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Xiaomi 13T Gamme

Xiaomi 13TProcesseur: Mediatek Dimensity 8200-Ultra, Mediatek Dimensity 9000 Dimensity 9200+
Carte graphique: ARM Immortalis-G715 MP11, ARM Mali-G610 MP6
Écran: 6.67 pouces
Poids: 0.197kg, 0.206kg
Prix: 899 euros
Note moyenne: 82.87% - Bon
Moyenne de 144 notes (à partir de 334 critiques)
prix: 74%, performances: 84%, équipement: 80%, écran: 92%, mobilité: 83%, finition: 80%, ergonomie: 81%, degré de nuisance: 93%


Xiaomi 13T Pro

Spécifications de l'ordinateur portable

Xiaomi 13T ProOrdinateur portable: Xiaomi 13T Pro
Processeur: Mediatek Dimensity 9000 Dimensity 9200+
Carte graphique: ARM Immortalis-G715 MP11
Écran: 6.67 pouces, 20:9, 2712 x 1220 pixels
Poids: 0.206kg
Prix: 899 euros


Note moyenne: 82.19% - Bon

Moyenne de 104 notes (à partir de 214 critiques)



88.1% Test du Xiaomi 13T Pro : le puissant smartphone avec appareil photo Leica à l'âge adulte | Notebookcheck
Le 13T Pro de Xiaomi n'est pas seulement un téléphone haut de gamme doté d'un matériel puissant, il comble également l'écart avec la concurrence en termes de mises à jour logicielles. Cinq ans de mises à jour, un écran AMOLED d'une luminosité de près de 2 500 nits et un chipset haut de gamme ne sont que quelques-unes des raisons qui plaident en faveur de l'achat du téléphone de Xiaomi.
87% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : Un smartphone performant et à un prix pour une fois intéressant
Source: Charles Tech Français
Globalement, le Xiaomi 13T Pro propose un smartphone Android haut de gamme à un prix inférieur à celui de nombreux concurrents, avec une bien meilleure caméra que la plupart. Ce n’est pas une innovation, mais au lieu de chercher à repousser les limites, il remplit toutes les fonctions qu’un excellent smartphone devrait avoir. La caméra est fantastique, il se charge complètement en un peu plus de quinze minutes. Le seul bémol possible avec le 13T Pro est qu'il pourrait avoir du mal à se démarquer si la puissance de la caméra ne vous préoccupe pas particulièrement. Néanmoins, avec un prix compétitif et plus de fonctionnalités sous le capot que ce à quoi on pourrait s'attendre, il est difficile de trouver le moindre problème avec le dernier fleuron de Xiaomi, qui rappelle qu'il vaut toujours la peine de regarder au-delà de Samsung et Apple lorsqu'il s'agit de choisir un nouveau smartphone, surtout quand cette marque offre
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/06/2024
Notes: Note globale: 87% prix: 80% performances: 90% écran: 100% mobilité: 90%
87% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : Un smartphone performant et à un prix pour une fois intéressant
Source: Charles Tech Français
Globalement, le Xiaomi 13T Pro propose un smartphone Android haut de gamme à un prix inférieur à celui de nombreux concurrents, avec une bien meilleure caméra que la plupart. Ce n’est pas une innovation, mais au lieu de chercher à repousser les limites, il remplit toutes les fonctions qu’un excellent smartphone devrait avoir. La caméra est fantastique, il se charge complètement en un peu plus de quinze minutes. Le seul bémol possible avec le 13T Pro est qu'il pourrait avoir du mal à se démarquer si la puissance de la caméra ne vous préoccupe pas particulièrement. Néanmoins, avec un prix compétitif et plus de fonctionnalités sous le capot que ce à quoi on pourrait s'attendre, il est difficile de trouver le moindre problème avec le dernier fleuron de Xiaomi, qui rappelle qu'il vaut toujours la peine de regarder au-delà de Samsung et Apple lorsqu'il s'agit de choisir un nouveau smartphone, surtout quand cette marque offre
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/06/2024
Notes: Note globale: 87% prix: 80% performances: 90% écran: 100% mobilité: 90%
70% Test du Xiaomi 13T Pro : une formule efficace et bien ficelée
Source: Frandroid Français
On ne fait pas plus 7/10 que le Xiaomi 13T Pro. C'est un bon smartphone, et pas beaucoup plus. Il possède ce côté un peu scolaire qui semble dire « j'ai tout fait bien comme il faut », mais à qui il manque le supplément d'âme pour s'imposer comme un excellent choix. Entendez-nous, si quelqu'un achète le Xiaomi 13T Pro, il aura un bon smartphone entre les mains, pas trop de raisons de se plaindre à priori. Il ou elle aura le bon nombre d'années de mises à jour (quatre années comme Samsung), les normes de protections adéquates (IP68 et le Gorilla Glass 5), un téléobjectif X2 est franchement efficace, une belle charge rapide… Mais on imagine difficilement notre acheteur ou acheteuse imaginaire briller dans son groupe d'ami avec ses photos. On l'imagine encore moins pouvoir prêter son smartphone et s'entendre dire « l'interface est vraiment claire et pratique » ou encore « c'est super ce dos qui prendre les traces de doigts, en plus il est bien chaud ». Vous avez l'idée. Xiaomi peine donc encore à s'imposer sur le haut de gamme.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/16/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 70% finition: 70%
70% Test du Xiaomi 13T Pro : une formule efficace et bien ficelée
Source: Frandroid Français
On ne fait pas plus 7/10 que le Xiaomi 13T Pro. C'est un bon smartphone, et pas beaucoup plus. Il possède ce côté un peu scolaire qui semble dire « j'ai tout fait bien comme il faut », mais à qui il manque le supplément d'âme pour s'imposer comme un excellent choix. Entendez-nous, si quelqu'un achète le Xiaomi 13T Pro, il aura un bon smartphone entre les mains, pas trop de raisons de se plaindre à priori. Il ou elle aura le bon nombre d'années de mises à jour (quatre années comme Samsung), les normes de protections adéquates (IP68 et le Gorilla Glass 5), un téléobjectif X2 est franchement efficace, une belle charge rapide… Mais on imagine difficilement notre acheteur ou acheteuse imaginaire briller dans son groupe d'ami avec ses photos. On l'imagine encore moins pouvoir prêter son smartphone et s'entendre dire « l'interface est vraiment claire et pratique » ou encore « c'est super ce dos qui prendre les traces de doigts, en plus il est bien chaud ». Vous avez l'idée. Xiaomi peine donc encore à s'imposer sur le haut de gamme.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/16/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 70% finition: 70%
84% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : le véritable challenger du Google Pixel 8, c’est lui !
Source: Presse Citron Français
Xiaomi ne déserte pas le secteur des smartphones haut de gamme et grand bien lui fasse. Son 13T Pro est un excellent smartphone à bien des égards qui tient la dragée haute au récent Pixel 8 de Google. En termes de performance et d’autonomie, il fait mieux. Sur le volet photo, les deux sont excellents, mais ils n’ont pas la même philosophie. Là où le Pixel 8 fait de la magie avec l’IA, le 13T Pro se veut plus mature grâce à la polyvalence de son téléobjectif et la signature Leica. La joie de la simplicité contre le plaisir de la technicité, à vous de choisir. Bien que l’écran du 13T Pro soit excellent, celui du Pixel 8 est encore plus impressionnant, mais de justesse. Difficile ici de les départager. Par contre, au niveau du design, le dernier rejeton de Xiaomi est encore trop scolaire à notre goût. Là où le Pixel 8 possède un style bien affirmé. Du coup match nul ?
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 84% performances: 85% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 75%
84% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : le véritable challenger du Google Pixel 8, c’est lui !
Source: Presse Citron Français
Xiaomi ne déserte pas le secteur des smartphones haut de gamme et grand bien lui fasse. Son 13T Pro est un excellent smartphone à bien des égards qui tient la dragée haute au récent Pixel 8 de Google. En termes de performance et d’autonomie, il fait mieux. Sur le volet photo, les deux sont excellents, mais ils n’ont pas la même philosophie. Là où le Pixel 8 fait de la magie avec l’IA, le 13T Pro se veut plus mature grâce à la polyvalence de son téléobjectif et la signature Leica. La joie de la simplicité contre le plaisir de la technicité, à vous de choisir. Bien que l’écran du 13T Pro soit excellent, celui du Pixel 8 est encore plus impressionnant, mais de justesse. Difficile ici de les départager. Par contre, au niveau du design, le dernier rejeton de Xiaomi est encore trop scolaire à notre goût. Là où le Pixel 8 possède un style bien affirmé. Du coup match nul ?
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 84% performances: 85% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 75%
80% Test du Xiaomi 13T Pro : son prix élevé n’est pas justifié
Source: CNet France Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro propose de nombreux arguments bien séduisants et hisse la barre plus haut que son prédécesseur. La puce MediaTek Dimensity 9200+ apporte toute la puissance et la fluidité nécessaires au smartphone pour ne pas flancher. L’arrivée du téléobjectif 2x ouvre de nouvelle perspectives en photo et la recharge 120 W permet de récupérer rapidement de l’énergie pour embrayer sur une seconde journée (ou une nuit blanche) sans se soucier d’une éventuelle panne sèche. Mais le 13T Pro souffre encore de quelques maladresses. Xiaomi doit peaufiner son travail avec Leica pour maîtriser un peu mieux les clichés en basse lumière. Le tarif de 899 euros demandé pour le modèle le plus haut de gamme nous semble un peu excessif au regard de ce que propose la concurrence. D’autant que le modèle le plus abordable (799 euros) affiche le même tarif que le premier Pixel 8 de Google avec lequel il devient compliqué de rater des clichés.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/01/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Test du Xiaomi 13T Pro : son prix élevé n’est pas justifié
Source: CNet France Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro propose de nombreux arguments bien séduisants et hisse la barre plus haut que son prédécesseur. La puce MediaTek Dimensity 9200+ apporte toute la puissance et la fluidité nécessaires au smartphone pour ne pas flancher. L’arrivée du téléobjectif 2x ouvre de nouvelle perspectives en photo et la recharge 120 W permet de récupérer rapidement de l’énergie pour embrayer sur une seconde journée (ou une nuit blanche) sans se soucier d’une éventuelle panne sèche. Mais le 13T Pro souffre encore de quelques maladresses. Xiaomi doit peaufiner son travail avec Leica pour maîtriser un peu mieux les clichés en basse lumière. Le tarif de 899 euros demandé pour le modèle le plus haut de gamme nous semble un peu excessif au regard de ce que propose la concurrence. D’autant que le modèle le plus abordable (799 euros) affiche le même tarif que le premier Pixel 8 de Google avec lequel il devient compliqué de rater des clichés.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/01/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
90% Test du Xiaomi 13T Pro : le smartphone qui fait mieux… pour le même prix
Source: 01Net Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro améliore la formule du 12T Pro de belle manière et s'impose comme une des références pour moins de 800 euros. De l'écran en passant par les performances, l'autonomie et la charge rapide, il a tout pour paire. On apprécie particulièrement les efforts qui ont été faits sur le plan de la photo, grâce au partenariat avec Leica et l'arrivée d'un téléobjectif x2 qui offre plus de polyvalence. Xiaomi garde encore quelques raffinements pour son Xiaomi 13 Pro (charge sans-fil, téléobjectif x3, etc.), mais le 13T Pro a pour lui un bien meilleur rapport qualité-prix tout en faisant moins de concessions que son prédécesseur. L'amélioration de la politique de mises à jour est aussi une très bonne chose, même si l'interface est toujours trop chargée en applications. Le Xiaomi 13T Pro fait mieux pour le même prix et, bien qu'il soit imparfait, nous le recommandons à tous les fans de la marque qui veulent une expérience haut de gamme pour un prix serré.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/27/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90% mobilité: 100%
90% Test du Xiaomi 13T Pro : le smartphone qui fait mieux… pour le même prix
Source: 01Net Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro améliore la formule du 12T Pro de belle manière et s'impose comme une des références pour moins de 800 euros. De l'écran en passant par les performances, l'autonomie et la charge rapide, il a tout pour paire. On apprécie particulièrement les efforts qui ont été faits sur le plan de la photo, grâce au partenariat avec Leica et l'arrivée d'un téléobjectif x2 qui offre plus de polyvalence. Xiaomi garde encore quelques raffinements pour son Xiaomi 13 Pro (charge sans-fil, téléobjectif x3, etc.), mais le 13T Pro a pour lui un bien meilleur rapport qualité-prix tout en faisant moins de concessions que son prédécesseur. L'amélioration de la politique de mises à jour est aussi une très bonne chose, même si l'interface est toujours trop chargée en applications. Le Xiaomi 13T Pro fait mieux pour le même prix et, bien qu'il soit imparfait, nous le recommandons à tous les fans de la marque qui veulent une expérience haut de gamme pour un prix serré.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/27/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90% mobilité: 100%
100% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : un smartphone très polyvalent et plutôt séduisant
Source: Les Mobiles Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro livre une copie tout à fait satisfaisante dans l’ensemble. Nous ne lui avons pas trouvé de réel défaut. En effet, son écran est d’excellente qualité propice à un visionnage des films ou de séries dans d’excellentes conditions, mais aussi pour tous les jours. On apprécie la possibilité de remplacement par la marque sous 6 mois en cas de casse de l’écran. Nous avons également aimé ses performances continues ainsi que sa charge très rapide. Dommage qu’il ne se recharge pas sans fil. Pour les photos, il produit de belles images qui pourront satisfaire la plupart des utilisateurs, mais n’est pas le meilleur photophone du moment, la version Ultra étant plus légitime sur ce point. En parlant de point, le Xiaomi 13T Pro en marque un (et non des moindres) pour le suivi des mises à jour du système et de la sécurité permettant d’avoir en main un mobile fait pour durer.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
100% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : un smartphone très polyvalent et plutôt séduisant
Source: Les Mobiles Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro livre une copie tout à fait satisfaisante dans l’ensemble. Nous ne lui avons pas trouvé de réel défaut. En effet, son écran est d’excellente qualité propice à un visionnage des films ou de séries dans d’excellentes conditions, mais aussi pour tous les jours. On apprécie la possibilité de remplacement par la marque sous 6 mois en cas de casse de l’écran. Nous avons également aimé ses performances continues ainsi que sa charge très rapide. Dommage qu’il ne se recharge pas sans fil. Pour les photos, il produit de belles images qui pourront satisfaire la plupart des utilisateurs, mais n’est pas le meilleur photophone du moment, la version Ultra étant plus légitime sur ce point. En parlant de point, le Xiaomi 13T Pro en marque un (et non des moindres) pour le suivi des mises à jour du système et de la sécurité permettant d’avoir en main un mobile fait pour durer.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Les Numeriques Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro est une alternative solide au plus onéreux 13 Pro. Il jouit d'un bel écran Amoled, lumineux et bien calibré, du moins une fois le bon mode choisi. Il ne manque pas de puissance, son autonomie est confortable et sa charge vraiment rapide. Est-il un photophone aussi doué que le 13 ? Pas tout à fait, mais il n'en est pas moins polyvalent. On apprécie enfin sa compatibilité avec les dernières normes sans-fil en vigueur et les eSIM, ainsi que sa certification IP68. Grâce à des mises à jour qui lui permettront d'évoluer pendant encore quatre ans, on peut même espérer qu'il s'améliore encore un peu.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/23/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 80% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 80% ergonomie: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Les Numeriques Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro est une alternative solide au plus onéreux 13 Pro. Il jouit d'un bel écran Amoled, lumineux et bien calibré, du moins une fois le bon mode choisi. Il ne manque pas de puissance, son autonomie est confortable et sa charge vraiment rapide. Est-il un photophone aussi doué que le 13 ? Pas tout à fait, mais il n'en est pas moins polyvalent. On apprécie enfin sa compatibilité avec les dernières normes sans-fil en vigueur et les eSIM, ainsi que sa certification IP68. Grâce à des mises à jour qui lui permettront d'évoluer pendant encore quatre ans, on peut même espérer qu'il s'améliore encore un peu.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/23/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 80% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 80% ergonomie: 80%
90% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : des prestations haut de gamme à un tarif agressif
Source: Journal du Geek Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro coche toutes les cases d’un très bon smartphone et s’impose comme l’une des affaires de cette fin d’année. Pour 800 euros, on est en présence d’un appareil au design soigné (IP68), doté d’un écran de qualité et capable d’offrir de très belles performances. La cerise sur le gâteau vient de sa partie photo, homogène est de très bonne qualité avec une mention spéciale pour le téléobjectif. La coopération avec Leica permet à Xiaomi de progresser dans ce domaine. On apprécie aussi la recharge très rapide (120 W), l’interface en progression et la nouvelle politique de mise à jour. Tout n’est pas encore parfait, mais il faudra sans doute débourser plus pour avoir un peu mieux. Ce Xiaomi 13T Pro est une réussite.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/13/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : des prestations haut de gamme à un tarif agressif
Source: Journal du Geek Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro coche toutes les cases d’un très bon smartphone et s’impose comme l’une des affaires de cette fin d’année. Pour 800 euros, on est en présence d’un appareil au design soigné (IP68), doté d’un écran de qualité et capable d’offrir de très belles performances. La cerise sur le gâteau vient de sa partie photo, homogène est de très bonne qualité avec une mention spéciale pour le téléobjectif. La coopération avec Leica permet à Xiaomi de progresser dans ce domaine. On apprécie aussi la recharge très rapide (120 W), l’interface en progression et la nouvelle politique de mise à jour. Tout n’est pas encore parfait, mais il faudra sans doute débourser plus pour avoir un peu mieux. Ce Xiaomi 13T Pro est une réussite.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/13/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Prise en main du Xiaomi 13T Pro : un haut de gamme véloce et doué en photo
Source: L' Eclaireur FNAC Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro apparaît comme un smartphone plutôt réussi. Il ne présente au final que très peu de points faibles avec un très bel écran, une autonomie solide et globalement d’excellentes performances en photo. Son prix est attractif par rapport aux ténors du marché, puisqu’en 256 Go le 13T Pro est tout de même plus de 150 € moins cher que le Samsung Galaxy S23+.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/10/2023
90% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : prestations haut de gamme pour un tarif de moyenne gamme (ou presque)
Source: Phonandroid Français
Écran, performances en bureautique ou en jeu vidéo, appareil photo… Xiaomi nous offre un smartphone extrêmement attractif à bien des égards. Seule l’autonomie peut laisser à désirer en photo/vidéo ou en jeu vidéo. En longue focale (10x et plus), la photo perd un peu de netteté de jour et surtout de nuit. Mais, pour un zoom numérique, c’est déjà satisfaisant. À part ces petits bémols, c’est carton plein pour ce Xiaomi 13T Pro. Il fait sérieusement de l’ombre au haut de gamme 13 Ultra, qui reste plus performant en photo/vidéo. Le plus surprenant et séduisant reste que son prix n’a pas augmenté. Il offre, à n’en pas douter, l’un des meilleurs rapports qualité-prix du moment. Les photophones Samsung ou Google proposent encore un peu mieux, mais beaucoup plus cher.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/10/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
88% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : Un Flagship Performant à Moins de 700 Euros ?
Source: Nerd-mobile Français
Le test du Xiaomi 13T Pro révèle un smartphone qui se positionne comme un flagship abordable. À un prix de base de 649,99 € au lancement, le Xiaomi 13T Pro se positionne comme l’un des meilleurs smartphones dans cette gamme de prix. Le smartphone réussit à cocher toutes les cases : design Flagship, écran OLED performant avec une vitesse de rafraîchissement de 144 Hz, des performances parmi les meilleures du marché, une qualité photo excellente. Le seul petit point faible que l’on peut lui trouver est l’autonomie de la batterie, mais la vitesse de charge permet de compenser ce problème.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/10/2023
Notes: Note globale: 88% performances: 90% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 80%
Prise en main du Xiaomi 13T Pro : un haut de gamme véloce et doué en photo
Source: L' Eclaireur FNAC Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro apparaît comme un smartphone plutôt réussi. Il ne présente au final que très peu de points faibles avec un très bel écran, une autonomie solide et globalement d’excellentes performances en photo. Son prix est attractif par rapport aux ténors du marché, puisqu’en 256 Go le 13T Pro est tout de même plus de 150 € moins cher que le Samsung Galaxy S23+.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/10/2023
90% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : prestations haut de gamme pour un tarif de moyenne gamme (ou presque)
Source: Phonandroid Français
Écran, performances en bureautique ou en jeu vidéo, appareil photo… Xiaomi nous offre un smartphone extrêmement attractif à bien des égards. Seule l’autonomie peut laisser à désirer en photo/vidéo ou en jeu vidéo. En longue focale (10x et plus), la photo perd un peu de netteté de jour et surtout de nuit. Mais, pour un zoom numérique, c’est déjà satisfaisant. À part ces petits bémols, c’est carton plein pour ce Xiaomi 13T Pro. Il fait sérieusement de l’ombre au haut de gamme 13 Ultra, qui reste plus performant en photo/vidéo. Le plus surprenant et séduisant reste que son prix n’a pas augmenté. Il offre, à n’en pas douter, l’un des meilleurs rapports qualité-prix du moment. Les photophones Samsung ou Google proposent encore un peu mieux, mais beaucoup plus cher.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/10/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
88% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : Un Flagship Performant à Moins de 700 Euros ?
Source: Nerd-mobile Français
Le test du Xiaomi 13T Pro révèle un smartphone qui se positionne comme un flagship abordable. À un prix de base de 649,99 € au lancement, le Xiaomi 13T Pro se positionne comme l’un des meilleurs smartphones dans cette gamme de prix. Le smartphone réussit à cocher toutes les cases : design Flagship, écran OLED performant avec une vitesse de rafraîchissement de 144 Hz, des performances parmi les meilleures du marché, une qualité photo excellente. Le seul petit point faible que l’on peut lui trouver est l’autonomie de la batterie, mais la vitesse de charge permet de compenser ce problème.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/10/2023
Notes: Note globale: 88% performances: 90% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 80%
90% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : un photophone qui réunit tout le savoir-faire de Xiaomi
Source: Clubic Français
Avec son 13T Pro, Xiaomi fait une jolie synthèse de ses smartphones sortis en 2023. Il emprunte l’élégance du Redmi Note 12 Pro tout en s’inspirant des prouesses photographiques du 13 Ultra, incarnant ainsi la quintessence du savoir-faire du constructeur — et reflétant sa capacité à proposer un équilibre idéal entre qualité et coût. Avec des performances remarquables, une qualité d’affichage excellente, une endurance impressionnante et une vitesse de recharge rapide, le Xiaomi 13T frappe fort, avec une promesse inédite sur le support logiciel : quatre mises à jour de l’OS et cinq ans de correctifs de sécurité, soit la meilleure durabilité promise par le constructeur en 2023. Ce 13T Pro offre donc sans conteste le meilleur rapport qualité-prix de l’année pour le fabricant… À défaut de le faire pour l’ensemble du marché.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/06/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 80%
70% Test du Xiaomi 13T Pro : une formule efficace et bien ficelée
Source: Frandroid Français
On ne fait pas plus 7/10 que le Xiaomi 13T Pro. C'est un bon smartphone, et pas beaucoup plus. Il possède ce côté un peu scolaire qui semble dire « j'ai tout fait bien comme il faut », mais à qui il manque le supplément d'âme pour s'imposer comme un excellent choix. Entendez-nous, si quelqu'un achète le Xiaomi 13T Pro, il aura un bon smartphone entre les mains, pas trop de raisons de se plaindre à priori. Il ou elle aura le bon nombre d'années de mises à jour (quatre années comme Samsung), les normes de protections adéquates (IP68 et le Gorilla Glass 5), un téléobjectif X2 est franchement efficace, une belle charge rapide… Mais on imagine difficilement notre acheteur ou acheteuse imaginaire briller dans son groupe d'ami avec ses photos. On l'imagine encore moins pouvoir prêter son smartphone et s'entendre dire « l'interface est vraiment claire et pratique » ou encore « c'est super ce dos qui prendre les traces de doigts, en plus il est bien chaud ».
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/06/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 70% finition: 70%
90% Test Xiaomi 13T Pro : un photophone qui réunit tout le savoir-faire de Xiaomi
Source: Clubic Français
Avec son 13T Pro, Xiaomi fait une jolie synthèse de ses smartphones sortis en 2023. Il emprunte l’élégance du Redmi Note 12 Pro tout en s’inspirant des prouesses photographiques du 13 Ultra, incarnant ainsi la quintessence du savoir-faire du constructeur — et reflétant sa capacité à proposer un équilibre idéal entre qualité et coût. Avec des performances remarquables, une qualité d’affichage excellente, une endurance impressionnante et une vitesse de recharge rapide, le Xiaomi 13T frappe fort, avec une promesse inédite sur le support logiciel : quatre mises à jour de l’OS et cinq ans de correctifs de sécurité, soit la meilleure durabilité promise par le constructeur en 2023. Ce 13T Pro offre donc sans conteste le meilleur rapport qualité-prix de l’année pour le fabricant… À défaut de le faire pour l’ensemble du marché.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/06/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 80%
70% Test du Xiaomi 13T Pro : une formule efficace et bien ficelée
Source: Frandroid Français
On ne fait pas plus 7/10 que le Xiaomi 13T Pro. C'est un bon smartphone, et pas beaucoup plus. Il possède ce côté un peu scolaire qui semble dire « j'ai tout fait bien comme il faut », mais à qui il manque le supplément d'âme pour s'imposer comme un excellent choix. Entendez-nous, si quelqu'un achète le Xiaomi 13T Pro, il aura un bon smartphone entre les mains, pas trop de raisons de se plaindre à priori. Il ou elle aura le bon nombre d'années de mises à jour (quatre années comme Samsung), les normes de protections adéquates (IP68 et le Gorilla Glass 5), un téléobjectif X2 est franchement efficace, une belle charge rapide… Mais on imagine difficilement notre acheteur ou acheteuse imaginaire briller dans son groupe d'ami avec ses photos. On l'imagine encore moins pouvoir prêter son smartphone et s'entendre dire « l'interface est vraiment claire et pratique » ou encore « c'est super ce dos qui prendre les traces de doigts, en plus il est bien chaud ».
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/06/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 70% finition: 70%
Test photo du Xiaomi 13T Pro: Que vaut le module photo Leica au quotidien?
Source: Nextpit France Français
En résumé, je trouve que la collaboration de Xiaomi avec Leica dans le 13T Pro est vraiment réussie. Les photos sur smartphone ont généralement tendance à être fortement optimisées pour les écrans AMOLED aux couleurs vives des appareils. Je suis donc souvent déçu par les effets HDR excessifs et la netteté excessive - et les appareils Xiaomi ne m'ont pas non plus convaincu par le passé. Mais Leica semble maintenant freiner un peu Xiaomi en ce qui concerne le post-traitement des photos. En mode "Leica Authentic", les photos ont l'air d'avoir été prises avec un appareil photo numérique de haute qualité plutôt qu'avec un smartphone. Personnellement, cela me plaît beaucoup - les photos m'ont un peu rappelé celles de mon test du Sony Xperia 1 Mark V, presque deux fois plus cher. Bien sûr, le 13T Pro n'est pas un "véritable appareil photo Leica".
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/04/2023
Test photo du Xiaomi 13T Pro: Que vaut le module photo Leica au quotidien?
Source: Nextpit France Français
En résumé, je trouve que la collaboration de Xiaomi avec Leica dans le 13T Pro est vraiment réussie. Les photos sur smartphone ont généralement tendance à être fortement optimisées pour les écrans AMOLED aux couleurs vives des appareils. Je suis donc souvent déçu par les effets HDR excessifs et la netteté excessive - et les appareils Xiaomi ne m'ont pas non plus convaincu par le passé. Mais Leica semble maintenant freiner un peu Xiaomi en ce qui concerne le post-traitement des photos. En mode "Leica Authentic", les photos ont l'air d'avoir été prises avec un appareil photo numérique de haute qualité plutôt qu'avec un smartphone. Personnellement, cela me plaît beaucoup - les photos m'ont un peu rappelé celles de mon test du Sony Xperia 1 Mark V, presque deux fois plus cher. Bien sûr, le 13T Pro n'est pas un "véritable appareil photo Leica".
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/04/2023
100% Prise en main rapide du smartphone Xiaomi 13T Pro : performance et photo de qualité au rendez-vous
Source: Les Mobiles Français
La marque Xiaomi a organisé un événement à Berlin pour le lancement de son nouveau smartphone Premium Xiaomi 13T Pro. Il vient avec le Xiaomi 13T qui propose une configuration légèrement moins performante. Le Xiaomi 13T Pro embarque effectivement un processeur MediaTek Dimensity 9200+ avec 16 Go de mémoire vive et une capacité de stockage de 1 To. Il est équipé d’une configuration photo des plus poussées s’appuyant sur un capteur principal de 50 mégapixels avec un téléobjectif de 50 mégapixels aussi capable de zoomer à 3,2x, le tout optimisé par des lentilles Leica et un traitement d’image. En outre, il profite d’un écran, très grand, de 6,67 pouces sur une dalle AMOLED extrêmement lumineuse qui peut atteindre 2600 cd/m², selon la marque. Nous avons pu le prendre en main rapidement et en voici nos premières impressions avant un test complet.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/29/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
100% Prise en main rapide du smartphone Xiaomi 13T Pro : performance et photo de qualité au rendez-vous
Source: Les Mobiles Français
La marque Xiaomi a organisé un événement à Berlin pour le lancement de son nouveau smartphone Premium Xiaomi 13T Pro. Il vient avec le Xiaomi 13T qui propose une configuration légèrement moins performante. Le Xiaomi 13T Pro embarque effectivement un processeur MediaTek Dimensity 9200+ avec 16 Go de mémoire vive et une capacité de stockage de 1 To. Il est équipé d’une configuration photo des plus poussées s’appuyant sur un capteur principal de 50 mégapixels avec un téléobjectif de 50 mégapixels aussi capable de zoomer à 3,2x, le tout optimisé par des lentilles Leica et un traitement d’image. En outre, il profite d’un écran, très grand, de 6,67 pouces sur une dalle AMOLED extrêmement lumineuse qui peut atteindre 2600 cd/m², selon la marque. Nous avons pu le prendre en main rapidement et en voici nos premières impressions avant un test complet.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/29/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Prise en main du Xiaomi 13T Pro : l’entrée de gamme du haut de gamme façon Xiaomi
Source: Frandroid Français
Sur la configuration photo, si le Xiaomi 13T Pro intègre un téléobjectif, celui-ci nous a paru bien étrange à manier puisque le smartphone semble ne s’en servir véritablement qu’en mode portrait. Affaire à suivre dans notre test. Ajoutons que le Xiaomi 13T Pro, avec son petit frère le Xiaomi 13T, sera le premier smartphone Xiaomi à proposer quatre années de mise à jour majeure et cinq ans de patch de sécurité. Une véritable mise à jour qui fait plaisir et qui les place au même niveau qu’un Samsung. En revanche, attention, le Xiaomi 13T Pro démarrant sous Android 13 juste avant le passage à Android 14, cela revient presque à proposer trois ans de mises à jour majeures en réalité.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 09/26/2023
80% Test du Xiaomi 13T Pro: Un presque-flagship presque abordable
Source: Nextpit France Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro est un smartphone phare de très haute qualité, que nous recommandons pour lui-même, à un prix de départ de 899,90 euros. Pourquoi, considéré isolément? Parce qu'avec un Xiaomi 13 et 13 Pro, le groupe est en fait assez bien fourni. Étant donné la chute rapide des prix sur marketplace, on peut légitimement se demander si le groupe ne se cannibalise pas lui-même. Si ce n'était pas le cas, le Xiaomi 13T Pro mériterait 4,5 étoiles. Mais indépendamment de cet aspect, il n'y a rien à reprocher au Xiaomi 13T Pro! Un MediaTek 9020+ rapide qui n'a rien à envier au Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, jusqu'à 16 Go de RAM et 1 To de stockage interne de programmes, un écran Amoled exceptionnel à 144 Hz. Et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, il y a aussi une certification IP68 et un chargeur de 120 W pour la batterie de 5000 mAh. Il ne manque que la fonction de charge sans fil et il y a peut-être encore de la marge pour l'appareil photo ultra grand angle. Mais c'est ce que notre test dédié à la batterie et à l'appareil photo devrait révéler.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Prise en main du Xiaomi 13T Pro : l’entrée de gamme du haut de gamme façon Xiaomi
Source: Frandroid Français
Sur la configuration photo, si le Xiaomi 13T Pro intègre un téléobjectif, celui-ci nous a paru bien étrange à manier puisque le smartphone semble ne s’en servir véritablement qu’en mode portrait. Affaire à suivre dans notre test. Ajoutons que le Xiaomi 13T Pro, avec son petit frère le Xiaomi 13T, sera le premier smartphone Xiaomi à proposer quatre années de mise à jour majeure et cinq ans de patch de sécurité. Une véritable mise à jour qui fait plaisir et qui les place au même niveau qu’un Samsung. En revanche, attention, le Xiaomi 13T Pro démarrant sous Android 13 juste avant le passage à Android 14, cela revient presque à proposer trois ans de mises à jour majeures en réalité.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 09/26/2023
80% Test du Xiaomi 13T Pro: Un presque-flagship presque abordable
Source: Nextpit France Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro est un smartphone phare de très haute qualité, que nous recommandons pour lui-même, à un prix de départ de 899,90 euros. Pourquoi, considéré isolément? Parce qu'avec un Xiaomi 13 et 13 Pro, le groupe est en fait assez bien fourni. Étant donné la chute rapide des prix sur marketplace, on peut légitimement se demander si le groupe ne se cannibalise pas lui-même. Si ce n'était pas le cas, le Xiaomi 13T Pro mériterait 4,5 étoiles. Mais indépendamment de cet aspect, il n'y a rien à reprocher au Xiaomi 13T Pro! Un MediaTek 9020+ rapide qui n'a rien à envier au Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, jusqu'à 16 Go de RAM et 1 To de stockage interne de programmes, un écran Amoled exceptionnel à 144 Hz. Et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, il y a aussi une certification IP68 et un chargeur de 120 W pour la batterie de 5000 mAh. Il ne manque que la fonction de charge sans fil et il y a peut-être encore de la marge pour l'appareil photo ultra grand angle. Mais c'est ce que notre test dédié à la batterie et à l'appareil photo devrait révéler.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%

Critiques dans des langues étrangères

Xiaomi 13T Pro long-term review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais EN→FR
In the end, this is probably the best 'flagship killer' ever created. It's definitely the best one we've ever reviewed long-term. It's got a high-end screen, a good design, great performance, leads in smoothness and battery life, and has a camera setup that really makes it stand out from other flagship killers that came before. That said, if the cameras aren't important for your purchase decision, and you can live with a little bit less of everything else, then the Poco F5 that we've also reviewed long-term recently might be a better fitting Xiaomi-made flagship killer for you. But if you simply want the best value - the phone that's crammed the most stuff in at as low a price as possible compared to top of the line flagships, then the Xiaomi 13T Pro is it.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/21/2024
Xiaomi 13T Pro long-term review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais EN→FR
In the end, this is probably the best 'flagship killer' ever created. It's definitely the best one we've ever reviewed long-term. It's got a high-end screen, a good design, great performance, leads in smoothness and battery life, and has a camera setup that really makes it stand out from other flagship killers that came before. That said, if the cameras aren't important for your purchase decision, and you can live with a little bit less of everything else, then the Poco F5 that we've also reviewed long-term recently might be a better fitting Xiaomi-made flagship killer for you. But if you simply want the best value - the phone that's crammed the most stuff in at as low a price as possible compared to top of the line flagships, then the Xiaomi 13T Pro is it.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/21/2024
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro Review – Leica on a budget
Source: Amateur Photographer Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a really nice phone, with a triple camera system, it has a great main camera, a good 2x telephoto camera, and a good enough ultra-wide-angle camera, and it’s a definite improvement over last years 12T Pro. The telephoto camera gives good results, with images showing a lot of detail, as long as you’re shooting in good light, as the camera lacks optical image stabilisation. It’s a shame the telephoto camera isn’t a 3x telephoto camera, as this would have really given an extra edge over other mid-range phones. Perhaps next year we’ll see a 3x telephoto camera. The lack of a dedicated macro mode, either using the ultra-wide-angle camera, or using the telephoto camera (as per the 13 Pro) is a shame, but the main camera can do a good job when cropped, and gives much better results than low-resolution macro cameras. The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a great upgrade from last years Xiaomi 12T Pro, with a noticeable improvement in the camera package, thanks to three good cameras on the back.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 02/09/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro Review – Leica on a budget
Source: Amateur Photographer Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a really nice phone, with a triple camera system, it has a great main camera, a good 2x telephoto camera, and a good enough ultra-wide-angle camera, and it’s a definite improvement over last years 12T Pro. The telephoto camera gives good results, with images showing a lot of detail, as long as you’re shooting in good light, as the camera lacks optical image stabilisation. It’s a shame the telephoto camera isn’t a 3x telephoto camera, as this would have really given an extra edge over other mid-range phones. Perhaps next year we’ll see a 3x telephoto camera. The lack of a dedicated macro mode, either using the ultra-wide-angle camera, or using the telephoto camera (as per the 13 Pro) is a shame, but the main camera can do a good job when cropped, and gives much better results than low-resolution macro cameras. The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a great upgrade from last years Xiaomi 12T Pro, with a noticeable improvement in the camera package, thanks to three good cameras on the back.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 02/09/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review
Source: Tech Amaze Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi 13T Pro is a flagship killer phone that has powerful hardware, high-quality display, powerful cameras and a battery with high efficiency. This phone also has a reasonable price considering these features. The chip used to provide power for the device is Mediatek Dimensity 9200+ along with the Immortalis-G715 MC11 graphics processor. This chip is suitable for gaming and provides a good performance. The device has the IP68 standard and is resistant to water and dust. You will not have to worry about getting it wet. In total, this product has interesting features that make it worth buying.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/09/2024
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review
Source: Tech Amaze Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi 13T Pro is a flagship killer phone that has powerful hardware, high-quality display, powerful cameras and a battery with high efficiency. This phone also has a reasonable price considering these features. The chip used to provide power for the device is Mediatek Dimensity 9200+ along with the Immortalis-G715 MC11 graphics processor. This chip is suitable for gaming and provides a good performance. The device has the IP68 standard and is resistant to water and dust. You will not have to worry about getting it wet. In total, this product has interesting features that make it worth buying.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/09/2024
Xiaomi 13T Pro vs. 13T: Which one to get?
Source: GSM Arena Anglais
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 12/15/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro vs. 13T: Which one to get?
Source: GSM Arena Anglais
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 12/15/2023
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro review: Leica photography at a tempting price
Source: Expert Reviews Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi has done it again, offering a broadly flagship-level smartphone at a less-than-premium price. It’s perhaps the best in the business at exploiting these little niches – or at least the most prolific. The Xiaomi 13T Pro offers strong performance, a decent display, solid battery life, and rapid 120W wired charging whilst dropping about £100 short of flagship pricing. Its revamped Leica-branded camera system, meanwhile, captures images with plenty of pop and impressive clarity. For all its qualities, though, the Xiaomi 13T Pro still falls a little short of an unqualified recommendation. It’s pretty dull to look at and hold, it still lacks wireless charging, and MIUI continues to provide a rather charmless and workmanlike front for the Android OS. The Xiaomi 13T Pro gives you a lot of phone for £700, but then, so does the Pixel 8 and the Nothing Phone (2), and you don’t have to accept quite the same compromises with those classy competitors.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/05/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro review: Leica photography at a tempting price
Source: Expert Reviews Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi has done it again, offering a broadly flagship-level smartphone at a less-than-premium price. It’s perhaps the best in the business at exploiting these little niches – or at least the most prolific. The Xiaomi 13T Pro offers strong performance, a decent display, solid battery life, and rapid 120W wired charging whilst dropping about £100 short of flagship pricing. Its revamped Leica-branded camera system, meanwhile, captures images with plenty of pop and impressive clarity. For all its qualities, though, the Xiaomi 13T Pro still falls a little short of an unqualified recommendation. It’s pretty dull to look at and hold, it still lacks wireless charging, and MIUI continues to provide a rather charmless and workmanlike front for the Android OS. The Xiaomi 13T Pro gives you a lot of phone for £700, but then, so does the Pixel 8 and the Nothing Phone (2), and you don’t have to accept quite the same compromises with those classy competitors.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/05/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: GSM Choice Anglais EN→FR
Is it worth considering this model? The manufacturer wants EUR 800 for the 12/256 GB version, but I suggest adding EUR 100 for the version with 512 GB of user memory. If you like to have fun with photography and experiment with cameras, this model may be a great choice. It has advanced photographic functions, and as a smartphone it also offers fast charging, efficient processor, high-quality screen, stereo speakers, water resistance and infrared remote control. However, if you don't care about advanced photography features and still want to save some money, the entry-level Xiaomi 13T model may also be a good choice . It offers similar cameras, although with some differences, and slightly less advanced features compared to the Pro version. To sum up, Xiaomi 13T Pro is a great option for photography enthusiasts, and the entry-level model Xiaomi 13T may be attractive to those who want to benefit from the Xiaomi brand, but do not necessarily need all the advanced features available in the Pro version. The final decision is of course up to you.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/30/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: GSM Choice Anglais EN→FR
Is it worth considering this model? The manufacturer wants EUR 800 for the 12/256 GB version, but I suggest adding EUR 100 for the version with 512 GB of user memory. If you like to have fun with photography and experiment with cameras, this model may be a great choice. It has advanced photographic functions, and as a smartphone it also offers fast charging, efficient processor, high-quality screen, stereo speakers, water resistance and infrared remote control. However, if you don't care about advanced photography features and still want to save some money, the entry-level Xiaomi 13T model may also be a good choice . It offers similar cameras, although with some differences, and slightly less advanced features compared to the Pro version. To sum up, Xiaomi 13T Pro is a great option for photography enthusiasts, and the entry-level model Xiaomi 13T may be attractive to those who want to benefit from the Xiaomi brand, but do not necessarily need all the advanced features available in the Pro version. The final decision is of course up to you.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/30/2023
89% Xiaomi 13T Pro Smartphone Review
Source: Root Nation Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi 13T Pro offers a good set of features for any task. The design is good (cool additions are IP68 moisture protection and an eco-leather version), the system does not slow down (so there are improvements over the 13 Pro), Leica cameras shoot well even at night, the screen is high-quality, the stereo speakers are powerful, the battery lasts quite a long time, and the kit includes a charger that will “feed” your device 100% in 25 minutes! I won’t say that this is the best phone on the market. Of course, it also has disadvantages that are somehow “hidden” in this segment, namely plastic in the body, MTK processor, lack of wireless charging and a more powerful zoom in the camera. However, none of this matters much, because the price is not sky-high. Therefore, we advise you to take a closer look at Xiaomi 13T.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/23/2023
Notes: Note globale: 89% prix: 70% performances: 90% écran: 100% mobilité: 100% finition: 90% ergonomie: 80%
89% Xiaomi 13T Pro Smartphone Review
Source: Root Nation Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi 13T Pro offers a good set of features for any task. The design is good (cool additions are IP68 moisture protection and an eco-leather version), the system does not slow down (so there are improvements over the 13 Pro), Leica cameras shoot well even at night, the screen is high-quality, the stereo speakers are powerful, the battery lasts quite a long time, and the kit includes a charger that will “feed” your device 100% in 25 minutes! I won’t say that this is the best phone on the market. Of course, it also has disadvantages that are somehow “hidden” in this segment, namely plastic in the body, MTK processor, lack of wireless charging and a more powerful zoom in the camera. However, none of this matters much, because the price is not sky-high. Therefore, we advise you to take a closer look at Xiaomi 13T.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/23/2023
Notes: Note globale: 89% prix: 70% performances: 90% écran: 100% mobilité: 100% finition: 90% ergonomie: 80%
83% Xiaomi 13T Pro is the perfect compromise
Source: L&B TechReview Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi has done a lot of things right and not a lot wrong with the Xiaomi 13T Pro. We criticised its predecessor, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, for a number of minor flaws, poor design decisions and a high price, but with the successor, the Chinese manufacturer has solved most of the problems and, not least, the price has become much more affordable. The design has been optimised, the screen is brighter and has a faster refresh rate, and although performance drops slightly due to the switch from Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 to MediaTek Dimensity 9200+, the new processor seems to be better integrated into the phone to avoid overheating. The Xiaomi 13T Pro, on the other hand, has to do without wireless charging, but otherwise it offers the same 120 watts of fast charging as its predecessor.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/21/2023
Notes: Note globale: 83%
83% Xiaomi 13T Pro is the perfect compromise
Source: L&B TechReview Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi has done a lot of things right and not a lot wrong with the Xiaomi 13T Pro. We criticised its predecessor, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, for a number of minor flaws, poor design decisions and a high price, but with the successor, the Chinese manufacturer has solved most of the problems and, not least, the price has become much more affordable. The design has been optimised, the screen is brighter and has a faster refresh rate, and although performance drops slightly due to the switch from Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 to MediaTek Dimensity 9200+, the new processor seems to be better integrated into the phone to avoid overheating. The Xiaomi 13T Pro, on the other hand, has to do without wireless charging, but otherwise it offers the same 120 watts of fast charging as its predecessor.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/21/2023
Notes: Note globale: 83%
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review: Wireless Woes Ahead
Source: Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a perfectly fine phone for the most part. Every item on its spec sheet is respectable, and it feels really good in hand, what with its surprisingly low weight compared to many other phones produced by the brand. It also has a perfectly reasonable asking price by today’s standards. So overall, you probably wouldn’t find much fault with it. Despite the Leica branding on the back of the phone, you’d be hard-pressed to see images that would proverbially knock your socks off. It’s not an unfair expectation, as the camera brand usually is in stark contrast with the asking price of the Xiaomi 13T Pro. Unless, of course, the issue I faced with its Bluetooth and GPS while testing was not a one-off. If you make use of these features on the regular, it would be fair cause for caution.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/01/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review: Wireless Woes Ahead
Source: Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a perfectly fine phone for the most part. Every item on its spec sheet is respectable, and it feels really good in hand, what with its surprisingly low weight compared to many other phones produced by the brand. It also has a perfectly reasonable asking price by today’s standards. So overall, you probably wouldn’t find much fault with it. Despite the Leica branding on the back of the phone, you’d be hard-pressed to see images that would proverbially knock your socks off. It’s not an unfair expectation, as the camera brand usually is in stark contrast with the asking price of the Xiaomi 13T Pro. Unless, of course, the issue I faced with its Bluetooth and GPS while testing was not a one-off. If you make use of these features on the regular, it would be fair cause for caution.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/01/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review: Shooting for the Mid-Range Stars
Source: Petapixel Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi launched the 13T Pro and 13T as a way to bring its Leica mobile photography partnership to mid-range and affordable phones. The results are strong evidence that brands can produce cost-effective cameras for those on tighter budgets. Call it “trickle down” or something else, but the features and output consistently found in Xiaomi’s flagship phones have finally found their way here, where Leica’s presence makes a noticeable impact to add to the 13T lineup’s fundamental value proposition. Yes. The 13T Pro and 13T aren’t hard to find online between $450-$750, and price drops have already happened. It’s worth taking a chance if photography matters to you.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/27/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review: Shooting for the Mid-Range Stars
Source: Petapixel Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi launched the 13T Pro and 13T as a way to bring its Leica mobile photography partnership to mid-range and affordable phones. The results are strong evidence that brands can produce cost-effective cameras for those on tighter budgets. Call it “trickle down” or something else, but the features and output consistently found in Xiaomi’s flagship phones have finally found their way here, where Leica’s presence makes a noticeable impact to add to the 13T lineup’s fundamental value proposition. Yes. The 13T Pro and 13T aren’t hard to find online between $450-$750, and price drops have already happened. It’s worth taking a chance if photography matters to you.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/27/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro review - An affordable & serious Leica-powered camera phone
Source: Tech Nave Anglais EN→FR
While the Xiaomi 13T Pro may not be as luxurious as the Xiaomi 13 Ultra, we think this phone is still pretty good. With a starting price of RM2499, it's a worthy device to consider without punching a hole in your wallet. Apart from the mediocre front camera and portrait mode, there isn't much to complain about, so we can see ourselves using this phone for a long time. At this starting price, there are not many phones that can face the Xiaomi 13T Pro. The OnePlus Nord 3 5G (RM2199) comes close, but its specs aren't really up to par. In fact, the only phones that can challenge this unbelievable price are 2022 phones that already have price cuts.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/25/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro review - An affordable & serious Leica-powered camera phone
Source: Tech Nave Anglais EN→FR
While the Xiaomi 13T Pro may not be as luxurious as the Xiaomi 13 Ultra, we think this phone is still pretty good. With a starting price of RM2499, it's a worthy device to consider without punching a hole in your wallet. Apart from the mediocre front camera and portrait mode, there isn't much to complain about, so we can see ourselves using this phone for a long time. At this starting price, there are not many phones that can face the Xiaomi 13T Pro. The OnePlus Nord 3 5G (RM2199) comes close, but its specs aren't really up to par. In fact, the only phones that can challenge this unbelievable price are 2022 phones that already have price cuts.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/25/2023
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro Review: Big upgrades and Leica cameras under $1,000
Source: Hardware Zone Anglais EN→FR
If you don't need 512GB of storage, the regular Xiaomi 13T is even better value for money at just S$699 for the 12GB+256GB model with almost exactly the same specs, including the same Leica cameras, the same 6.67-inch FHD+ display and more. The major differences are the drop-down to a MediaTek Dimensity 8200-Ultra processor, the slower (but still fast) 67W wired charging, Wi-Fi 6 support and a slight downgrade to LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 storage.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/22/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 90% performances: 75% finition: 75%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro Review: Big upgrades and Leica cameras under $1,000
Source: Hardware Zone Anglais EN→FR
If you don't need 512GB of storage, the regular Xiaomi 13T is even better value for money at just S$699 for the 12GB+256GB model with almost exactly the same specs, including the same Leica cameras, the same 6.67-inch FHD+ display and more. The major differences are the drop-down to a MediaTek Dimensity 8200-Ultra processor, the slower (but still fast) 67W wired charging, Wi-Fi 6 support and a slight downgrade to LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 storage.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/22/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 90% performances: 75% finition: 75%
Xiaomi 13T and 13T Pro Smartphone Review
Source: OI Spice Tech News Anglais EN→FR
Both Xiaomi 13T and 13T Pro smartphones are quite good deals in the affordable flagship range category. Overall, the phones give a pretty good set of features, specs, and software abilities that ensure the users won’t be disappointed after buying them. The smartphone excels in every department whether we talk about performance or battery. Alongside this, there seems no major drawback in the offer presented by Xiaomi. Speaking of negatives, the presence of MIUI often arrives with bloatware apps can be an issue for some users. Another thing expected is the OLED display panel, however, an AMOLED panel is also not bad either. Aside from this, there is no underwhelming part in the 13T and 13T Pro smartphones. The only thing that we feel missing out on is the lack of wireless charging and reverse charging.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/20/2023
Xiaomi 13T and 13T Pro Smartphone Review
Source: OI Spice Tech News Anglais EN→FR
Both Xiaomi 13T and 13T Pro smartphones are quite good deals in the affordable flagship range category. Overall, the phones give a pretty good set of features, specs, and software abilities that ensure the users won’t be disappointed after buying them. The smartphone excels in every department whether we talk about performance or battery. Alongside this, there seems no major drawback in the offer presented by Xiaomi. Speaking of negatives, the presence of MIUI often arrives with bloatware apps can be an issue for some users. Another thing expected is the OLED display panel, however, an AMOLED panel is also not bad either. Aside from this, there is no underwhelming part in the 13T and 13T Pro smartphones. The only thing that we feel missing out on is the lack of wireless charging and reverse charging.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/20/2023
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro, un quasi top di gamma
Source: Wired Magazine Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi 13 T Pro, come è tradizione per i modelli “T”, si inserisce a metà strada tra i prodotti d’ingresso e quelli di fascia alta della stessa Serie. Le differenze ci sono, anche nel prezzo, ma le valutazioni sono tutte da fare con il bilancino. Il prodotto è affidabile e completo, con un costo d’ingresso di 799 euro, corretto per le prestazioni offerte. La promozione fino al 31 ottobre che aggiunge in omaggio il tablet Redmi Pad SE potrebbe ulteriormente solleticarne l’acquisto. Il tema però rimane un po’ filosofico: hanno senso 6 modelli diversi più le relative varianti per una unica serie di prodotti?
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/19/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro, un quasi top di gamma
Source: Wired Magazine Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi 13 T Pro, come è tradizione per i modelli “T”, si inserisce a metà strada tra i prodotti d’ingresso e quelli di fascia alta della stessa Serie. Le differenze ci sono, anche nel prezzo, ma le valutazioni sono tutte da fare con il bilancino. Il prodotto è affidabile e completo, con un costo d’ingresso di 799 euro, corretto per le prestazioni offerte. La promozione fino al 31 ottobre che aggiunge in omaggio il tablet Redmi Pad SE potrebbe ulteriormente solleticarne l’acquisto. Il tema però rimane un po’ filosofico: hanno senso 6 modelli diversi più le relative varianti per una unica serie di prodotti?
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/19/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T Pro Audio test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
In the DXOMARK Audio tests, the Xiaomi 13T Pro provided a fairly average performance and ranked behind its predecessor the 12T Pro. Overall, the 13T Pro did better in recording than in playback, which was mainly due to inconsistencies in the stereo rendition with the built-in speakers, which also sounded slightly harsh. But on the plus side, the audio was almost free of unwanted artifacts. Playback performance was best when listening to music and playing games but slightly less so when watching movies. Audio recordings featured excellent loudness and were overall best in office environments. In terms of audio recordings in video, results were better with the selfie camera in portrait orientation than with the main camera in landscape.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/16/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Audio test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
In the DXOMARK Audio tests, the Xiaomi 13T Pro provided a fairly average performance and ranked behind its predecessor the 12T Pro. Overall, the 13T Pro did better in recording than in playback, which was mainly due to inconsistencies in the stereo rendition with the built-in speakers, which also sounded slightly harsh. But on the plus side, the audio was almost free of unwanted artifacts. Playback performance was best when listening to music and playing games but slightly less so when watching movies. Audio recordings featured excellent loudness and were overall best in office environments. In terms of audio recordings in video, results were better with the selfie camera in portrait orientation than with the main camera in landscape.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/16/2023
60% I want to like this new Android phone, but there’s a big problem with it
Source: Digital Trends Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is an odd mishmash of features and designs from the Xiaomi 12T Pro, the Xiaomi 12 Pro, and the Xiaomi 13 Pro. It has the same charging technology as all three of these devices and a similar “family” design and style. The screen is basically the same as the 12T Pro’s, just with a slightly higher refresh rate and PWM dimming, but it has a notably less impressive camera than its older siblings. I don’t think the switch to MediaTek’s Dimensity chip is an issue, as the phone’s overall performance is excellent, but I’m not sure enough has been done in terms of tuning the camera to work with it. There’s also no standout camera feature, with the 12T Pro coming with a 200MP camera when it launched this time last year. Instead, the camera is very similar to the 12 Pro, just with a lower-resolution wide-angle camera. If you already own any of these phones, there’s no obvious reason to upgrade, and if you have a 12 Pro or 12T Pro, then you should be looking at the superb Xiaomi 13 Pro as your next phone
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/14/2023
Notes: Note globale: 60%
60% I want to like this new Android phone, but there’s a big problem with it
Source: Digital Trends Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is an odd mishmash of features and designs from the Xiaomi 12T Pro, the Xiaomi 12 Pro, and the Xiaomi 13 Pro. It has the same charging technology as all three of these devices and a similar “family” design and style. The screen is basically the same as the 12T Pro’s, just with a slightly higher refresh rate and PWM dimming, but it has a notably less impressive camera than its older siblings. I don’t think the switch to MediaTek’s Dimensity chip is an issue, as the phone’s overall performance is excellent, but I’m not sure enough has been done in terms of tuning the camera to work with it. There’s also no standout camera feature, with the 12T Pro coming with a 200MP camera when it launched this time last year. Instead, the camera is very similar to the 12 Pro, just with a lower-resolution wide-angle camera. If you already own any of these phones, there’s no obvious reason to upgrade, and if you have a 12 Pro or 12T Pro, then you should be looking at the superb Xiaomi 13 Pro as your next phone
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/14/2023
Notes: Note globale: 60%
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review
Source: Yugatech Anglais EN→FR
This iteration of the Xiaomi 13T Pro is like a mixed bag of nuts — a lot of great features and a couple of let-downs. Performance is really good if you asked us but the battery life isn’t at par with the 13 Pro. The Leica cameras are very nice though and everything else seems spot on. If you are after great performance and camera, then the Xiaomi 13T Pro is an easy choice. It’s not perfect but its shortcomings are overshadowed by everything else it can offer, all at an affordable price for a flagship smartphone. The Xiaomi 13T Pro is available in two storage options: 12GB RAM and 512GB storage at Php 37,999, and another with 16GB RAM and 1TB storage that is priced at Php 39,999. Available color options are Alpine Blue, Meadow Green, and Black.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review
Source: Yugatech Anglais EN→FR
This iteration of the Xiaomi 13T Pro is like a mixed bag of nuts — a lot of great features and a couple of let-downs. Performance is really good if you asked us but the battery life isn’t at par with the 13 Pro. The Leica cameras are very nice though and everything else seems spot on. If you are after great performance and camera, then the Xiaomi 13T Pro is an easy choice. It’s not perfect but its shortcomings are overshadowed by everything else it can offer, all at an affordable price for a flagship smartphone. The Xiaomi 13T Pro is available in two storage options: 12GB RAM and 512GB storage at Php 37,999, and another with 16GB RAM and 1TB storage that is priced at Php 39,999. Available color options are Alpine Blue, Meadow Green, and Black.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro full review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a spectacular smartphone across the board. There is hardly any feature that's not flagship-grade here. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/12/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro full review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a spectacular smartphone across the board. There is hardly any feature that's not flagship-grade here. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/12/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Camera test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
With an overall Camera score of 131, the Xiaomi 13T Pro ranked 8 points higher than the Xiaomi 13T, even though both phones are equipped with the same camera hardware. The differences in image quality were particularly visible in color rendering, in terms of white balance and skin tone rendering. This year, Xiaomi has shifted gears and equipped the 13T and 13T Pro lines with a Mediatek chipset, after several years of using Qualcomm chipsets for the T Pro lines. Specifically, the 13T Pro comes with the powerful MediaTek Dimensity 9200+, while the standard 13T has the MediaTek Dimensity 8200-Ultra. When compared with the 12T Pro, its predecessor, the 13T Pro also scored a few points higher in camera performance, thanks mostly to the photo rendering in which exposure, and especially noise and autofocus, showed significant improvements. The autofocus was generally spot on, and the 13T Pro managed to keep the main subject sharp.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/11/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Camera test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
With an overall Camera score of 131, the Xiaomi 13T Pro ranked 8 points higher than the Xiaomi 13T, even though both phones are equipped with the same camera hardware. The differences in image quality were particularly visible in color rendering, in terms of white balance and skin tone rendering. This year, Xiaomi has shifted gears and equipped the 13T and 13T Pro lines with a Mediatek chipset, after several years of using Qualcomm chipsets for the T Pro lines. Specifically, the 13T Pro comes with the powerful MediaTek Dimensity 9200+, while the standard 13T has the MediaTek Dimensity 8200-Ultra. When compared with the 12T Pro, its predecessor, the 13T Pro also scored a few points higher in camera performance, thanks mostly to the photo rendering in which exposure, and especially noise and autofocus, showed significant improvements. The autofocus was generally spot on, and the 13T Pro managed to keep the main subject sharp.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/11/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais EN→FR
The only real setback we encountered on the Xiaomi 13T Pro was the selfie camera. It is a 20MP Quad-Bayer shooter that is just an insult to any cameraphone, let alone one developer with Leica. Its photo and video quality are quite average, too. Some might have hope for longer zoom, but we guess that will come with the Xiaomi 14 phones later this year. Long story short - the Xiaomi 13T Pro is one of the best phones right now, with top-notch hardware, exceptional execution across the board and a promising future. The launch price is also surprisingly good and we do recommend putting it at the top of your consideration lists. You can tell we really liked this phone and we think you'd love it, too. Unless you are a selfie person, then it's a big no.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/05/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Display test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro display maintained the performance level of its predecessor, the Xiaomi 12T Pro, and achieved a slightly higher overall score thanks to a greatly improved control of HDR10 brightness. The highest brightness measured on the 13T Pro was 1250 nits, which was not as high as its competitors in the premium category, including the 13T. In other areas of display performance, the Xiaomi 13T Pro’s performance reflected many of the improvements introduced with the Xiaomi 12T Pro, with good screen color rendering and smooth display interactions in most use cases.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/05/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Battery test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro battery achieved an above-average global score in our database but its performance was slightly below its predecessor.The Xiaomi 13T Pro’s autonomy was slightly below average, lasting 2 days and 9 hours when used moderately. Autonomy outdoors was average but poor when calling. When tested in indoor individual usages, the device’s autonomy was decent, even good when gaming, but poor when calling and streaming music. The Xiaomi 13T Pro’s charging performance was excellent because of its 120W charge, which filled up the 5000 mAh battery in 38 minutes and 44 seconds. A quick 5-minute charge yielded 9 hours and 33 minutes of additional autonomy. Compared with the Xiaomi 12T Pro, which has the same battery capacity and the same charge power, the charging time was shorter for the Xiaomi 13T Pro because of a different charging protocol. The charge efficiency and the power adapter efficiency were excellent.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/05/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais EN→FR
The only real setback we encountered on the Xiaomi 13T Pro was the selfie camera. It is a 20MP Quad-Bayer shooter that is just an insult to any cameraphone, let alone one developer with Leica. Its photo and video quality are quite average, too. Some might have hope for longer zoom, but we guess that will come with the Xiaomi 14 phones later this year. Long story short - the Xiaomi 13T Pro is one of the best phones right now, with top-notch hardware, exceptional execution across the board and a promising future. The launch price is also surprisingly good and we do recommend putting it at the top of your consideration lists. You can tell we really liked this phone and we think you'd love it, too. Unless you are a selfie person, then it's a big no.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/05/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Display test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro display maintained the performance level of its predecessor, the Xiaomi 12T Pro, and achieved a slightly higher overall score thanks to a greatly improved control of HDR10 brightness. The highest brightness measured on the 13T Pro was 1250 nits, which was not as high as its competitors in the premium category, including the 13T. In other areas of display performance, the Xiaomi 13T Pro’s performance reflected many of the improvements introduced with the Xiaomi 12T Pro, with good screen color rendering and smooth display interactions in most use cases.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/05/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Battery test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro battery achieved an above-average global score in our database but its performance was slightly below its predecessor.The Xiaomi 13T Pro’s autonomy was slightly below average, lasting 2 days and 9 hours when used moderately. Autonomy outdoors was average but poor when calling. When tested in indoor individual usages, the device’s autonomy was decent, even good when gaming, but poor when calling and streaming music. The Xiaomi 13T Pro’s charging performance was excellent because of its 120W charge, which filled up the 5000 mAh battery in 38 minutes and 44 seconds. A quick 5-minute charge yielded 9 hours and 33 minutes of additional autonomy. Compared with the Xiaomi 12T Pro, which has the same battery capacity and the same charge power, the charging time was shorter for the Xiaomi 13T Pro because of a different charging protocol. The charge efficiency and the power adapter efficiency were excellent.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/05/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Camera Review: How Good is the Leica Camera?
Source: Nextpit EN Anglais EN→FR
In summary, I think Xiaomi's collaboration with Leica on the 13T Pro was a really successful one. Smartphone photos in general have a tendency to be heavily optimized for the colorful AMOLED displays in the respective devices. Therefore, I am often bothered by the excessive HDR effects and strong sharpness, and Xiaomi devices have not impressed me too much in terms of camera technology in the past, either. However, Leica now seemed to rein in Xiaomi a bit when it comes to post-processing the photos. This is especially noticeable in the "Leica Authentic" mode, as the pictures look more like they were taken with a high-quality digital camera than with a smartphone. Personally, I like this very much. The photos reminded me a bit of those from my review of Sony's Xperia 1 Mark V, which is almost twice as expensive. Of course, you do not get a "real Leica camera" with the 13T Pro.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review - Affordable Leica Camera Smartphone!
Source: Emkwan Reviews Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Camera Review: How Good is the Leica Camera?
Source: Nextpit EN Anglais EN→FR
In summary, I think Xiaomi's collaboration with Leica on the 13T Pro was a really successful one. Smartphone photos in general have a tendency to be heavily optimized for the colorful AMOLED displays in the respective devices. Therefore, I am often bothered by the excessive HDR effects and strong sharpness, and Xiaomi devices have not impressed me too much in terms of camera technology in the past, either. However, Leica now seemed to rein in Xiaomi a bit when it comes to post-processing the photos. This is especially noticeable in the "Leica Authentic" mode, as the pictures look more like they were taken with a high-quality digital camera than with a smartphone. Personally, I like this very much. The photos reminded me a bit of those from my review of Sony's Xperia 1 Mark V, which is almost twice as expensive. Of course, you do not get a "real Leica camera" with the 13T Pro.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review - Affordable Leica Camera Smartphone!
Source: Emkwan Reviews Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review: Leica in your pocket
Source: The Tech Revolutionist Anglais EN→FR
In well-lit environments, the images captured are vibrant, detailed, and maintain a well-balanced composition. The HDR performance is commendable, striking the right balance without over-processing the images. Furthermore, Xiaomi’s collaboration with Leica brings forth the Leica Vibrant and Leica Authentic modes, offering the choice between vibrant imagery and colors that stay true to life. This trend continues as light diminishes, with the main sensor adeptly absorbing ample light to illuminate scenes, even in near-dark settings and effectively brightening low-light images without compromising on detail. Turning the phone around, you’ll discover a 20MP front-facing camera, more than sufficient for engaging in video calls with friends. With HDR and Night mode support, it allows for creative selfies as well. Shifting the focus to video capabilities, the 13T Pro allows shooting in remarkable 8K at 24fps.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/02/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Review: Leica in your pocket
Source: The Tech Revolutionist Anglais EN→FR
In well-lit environments, the images captured are vibrant, detailed, and maintain a well-balanced composition. The HDR performance is commendable, striking the right balance without over-processing the images. Furthermore, Xiaomi’s collaboration with Leica brings forth the Leica Vibrant and Leica Authentic modes, offering the choice between vibrant imagery and colors that stay true to life. This trend continues as light diminishes, with the main sensor adeptly absorbing ample light to illuminate scenes, even in near-dark settings and effectively brightening low-light images without compromising on detail. Turning the phone around, you’ll discover a 20MP front-facing camera, more than sufficient for engaging in video calls with friends. With HDR and Night mode support, it allows for creative selfies as well. Shifting the focus to video capabilities, the 13T Pro allows shooting in remarkable 8K at 24fps.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/02/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Malaysia review: A brilliant return to form for Xiaomi
Source: Soycincau Anglais EN→FR
In fact, if you’re on a tighter budget, I’d say you might not even need to look at the Xiaomi 13T Pro. The regular Xiaomi 13T offers nearly the same key specs as the Xiaomi 13T Pro, with the only notable differences being a step down Dimensity 8200-Ultra processor, a lower 67W charging speed that’s still plenty fast, and you also lose the ability to shoot at 8K. Starting at just RM1,799, it undercuts the likes of the Poco F5 Pro and Samsung Galaxy A54, the usual frontrunners in the sub RM2,000 mark. The latter two certainly doesn’t have the same camera chops as the 13T Pro, and while the Galaxy A54 may match the 13T in length of software support it loses out by having a weaker processor. Overall, I’m very pleased to see what Xiaomi has managed to do with the 13T and the 13T Pro here. It’s a genuine return to form for the brand, and I think the Xiaomi 13T series in general might just end up rather popular options for Malaysians across the board.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/29/2023
Review – Xiaomi 13T Pro: Affordable smartphone with Leica’s signature and great performance
Source: NLT Anglais EN→FR
The price is what surprised me the absolute most. If we compare back to last generation’s pricing, then I’m sure you’ll be surprised too. It got a price drop and RAM upgrade. If you got your wallet out and want to buy the Xiaomi 13T Pro this instant, then I suggest you buy either the 256GB or 512GB variant. That 1TB variant… well, that price hike is intense and the RAM extra is pretty much useless – watch our video at the top right corner to know why. The only benefit you’ll be getting is of course – 1TB worth of storage. I think that’s quite a bad idea since transferring files out of this phone takes forever with its USB 2.0 port. Uploading and downloading from the cloud will literally be faster – if you have the internet speed. So finally – is this phone a good buy? I think yes, it is a strong contender within this price and I don’t think there is any alternative for these specs at this price point as of now.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/29/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Malaysia review: A brilliant return to form for Xiaomi
Source: Soycincau Anglais EN→FR
In fact, if you’re on a tighter budget, I’d say you might not even need to look at the Xiaomi 13T Pro. The regular Xiaomi 13T offers nearly the same key specs as the Xiaomi 13T Pro, with the only notable differences being a step down Dimensity 8200-Ultra processor, a lower 67W charging speed that’s still plenty fast, and you also lose the ability to shoot at 8K. Starting at just RM1,799, it undercuts the likes of the Poco F5 Pro and Samsung Galaxy A54, the usual frontrunners in the sub RM2,000 mark. The latter two certainly doesn’t have the same camera chops as the 13T Pro, and while the Galaxy A54 may match the 13T in length of software support it loses out by having a weaker processor. Overall, I’m very pleased to see what Xiaomi has managed to do with the 13T and the 13T Pro here. It’s a genuine return to form for the brand, and I think the Xiaomi 13T series in general might just end up rather popular options for Malaysians across the board.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/29/2023
Review – Xiaomi 13T Pro: Affordable smartphone with Leica’s signature and great performance
Source: NLT Anglais EN→FR
The price is what surprised me the absolute most. If we compare back to last generation’s pricing, then I’m sure you’ll be surprised too. It got a price drop and RAM upgrade. If you got your wallet out and want to buy the Xiaomi 13T Pro this instant, then I suggest you buy either the 256GB or 512GB variant. That 1TB variant… well, that price hike is intense and the RAM extra is pretty much useless – watch our video at the top right corner to know why. The only benefit you’ll be getting is of course – 1TB worth of storage. I think that’s quite a bad idea since transferring files out of this phone takes forever with its USB 2.0 port. Uploading and downloading from the cloud will literally be faster – if you have the internet speed. So finally – is this phone a good buy? I think yes, it is a strong contender within this price and I don’t think there is any alternative for these specs at this price point as of now.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/29/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro | Unboxing & 5 Day Review
Source: Tech Spurt Anglais
Unboxing the Xiaomi 13T Pro with a 5 day review of that Leica camera setup, gaming performance, battery life and beyond. The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a step down from the flagship phones for specs but boasts some capable optics, fast charging and more great features. UK prices are £649/£699/£799 for the 256/512/1TB phones, with early bird offers. First up, the Leica vario-summicron camera hardware is solid for everyday photography. The 50MP 24mm sensor with OIS works well even at night, capturing bright, crisp images. You can also shoot up to 8K video on the Xiaomi 13T Pro and there’s an ultra-wide and telephoto lens for flexibility. While these phones often disappoint for software support, that’s not a problem here. The Xiaomi 13T Pro will enjoy five years of security updates, plus four OS updates, matching many more expensive smartphones.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Hands-On Review
Source: Yugatech Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro hands-on review: Lucky number 13
Source: Expert Reviews Anglais EN→FR
With true flagships nudging into four figures more often than not, there’s more need than ever for affordable alternatives that don’t compromise too much on power. Based on my initial time spent with the phone, the Xiaomi 13T Pro certainly appears set to fill that niche, with impressive specs across the board. More importantly, the Xiaomi 13T Pro has taken on criticisms levelled against the 12T Pro and taken steps to improve. The weatherproofing rating is a big one, rocketing this up to one of the most resistant handsets out there, but the redesigned camera system could also prove to be a boon, trading in an unnecessarily high pixel count on the main camera for a more useful telephoto lens as secondary. Our full review will have the final word on how good these cameras actually are, along with how well the Mediatek chipset competes against Snapdragon’s best, so be sure to check back with us soon to see what we think of the Xiaomi 13T Pro.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 09/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro hands-on: First impressions of the fast-charging monster
Source: Pocket Lint Anglais EN→FR
As with most phones from Xiaomi, the 13T Pro seems like a solid overall device. It's not one that particularly stands out in a crowded market, but there are a couple of things that buyers could find really appealing. It's got a top-level processor from MediaTek inside to deliver fast, efficient performance and has a battery that can go from empty to completely full in under twenty minutes. Add to that a big, flat display and you have a promising phone that shouldn't cost as much as the competition's top-tier phones.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro review
Source: Tech Advisor Anglais EN→FR
Unlike many phones, the Xiaomi 13T Pro is a significant upgrade on its predecessor. The new flagship MediaTek chipset delivers top-tier performance, especially alongside a super-smooth 144Hz OLED display. Swapping macro for telephoto makes the cameras much more versatile and well-rounded, and you now get an IP68 rating for water and dust resistance. But despite the superb 120W fast charging, battery life is slightly underwhelming. You’ll also have to put up with the quirks of MIUI, even if Xiaomi’s commitment to updates is now very impressive. The Xiaomi 13T Pro has arguably the best hardware of any phone at this price, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right device for you.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro Review
Source: Trusted Reviews Anglais EN→FR
It’s the same old Xiaomi story with the 13T Pro – great hardware let down by sometimes frustrating software in the form of MIUI 14. It borrows inspiration from iOS while simultaneously doing things completely differently from other Android OEMs, making the learning curve a rather steep one, even if you’re familiar with the Android OS. Flaws of software aside, the hardware on offer is impressive considering its £649 price tag. The 6.67-inch AMOLED display is great for both movie watching and gaming thanks to a 144Hz refresh rate. The Leica-branded camera setup can deliver great results in both well-lit and low-light scenarios, with the latter able to compete with the likes of the Google Pixel 7. The telephoto lens is a bit of an oddity, however, with a cropped view of the main sensor used more often than I expected.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro Review – Leica on a budget
Source: Amateur Photographer Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a really nice phone, with a triple camera system, it has a great main camera, a good 2x telephoto camera, and a good enough ultra-wide-angle camera, and it’s a definite improvement over last years 12T Pro. The telephoto camera gives good results, with images showing a lot of detail, as long as you’re shooting in good light, as the camera lacks optical image stabilisation. It’s a shame the telephoto camera isn’t a 3x telephoto camera, as this would have really given an extra edge over other mid-range phones. Perhaps next year we’ll see a 3x telephoto camera. The lack of a dedicated macro mode, either using the ultra-wide-angle camera, or using the telephoto camera (as per the 13 Pro) is a shame, but the main camera can do a good job when cropped, and gives much better results than low-resolution macro cameras. The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a great upgrade from last years Xiaomi 12T Pro, with a noticeably improvement in the camera package, thanks to three good cameras on the back.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
60% I want to like this new Android phone, but there’s a big problem with it
Source: Digital Trends Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is an odd mishmash of features and designs from the Xiaomi 12T Pro, the Xiaomi 12 Pro, and the Xiaomi 13 Pro. It has the same charging technology as all three of these devices and a similar “family” design and style. The screen is basically the same as the 12T Pro’s, just with a slightly higher refresh rate and PWM dimming, but it has a notably less impressive camera than its older siblings. I don’t think the switch to MediaTek’s Dimensity chip is an issue, as the phone’s overall performance is excellent, but I’m not sure enough has been done in terms of tuning the camera to work with it. There’s also no standout camera feature, with the 12T Pro coming with a 200MP camera when it launched this time last year. Instead, the camera is very similar to the 12 Pro, just with a lower-resolution wide-angle camera. If you already own any of these phones, there’s no obvious reason to upgrade, and if you have a 12 Pro or 12T Pro, then you should be looking at the superb Xiaomi 13 Pro as your next phone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 60%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro Review: The Slightly Cheaper Flagship!
Source: Nextpit EN Anglais EN→FR
Considered on its own, the Xiaomi 13T Pro is a very high-quality and recommendable flagship smartphone at a starting price of 799.90 Euros. Why considered on its own? Because the company's lineup is actually quite well-stocked with the Xiaomi 13 and 13 Pro. In view of their rapidly falling street prices, one can legitimately ask whether the company is not cannibalizing itself. If it were not for this fact, the Xiaomi 13T Pro would have deserved 4.5 stars. But regardless of this aspect, there is nothing to criticize about the Xiaomi 13T Pro! A fast MediaTek 9200+ that is quite on par with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, up to 16 GB of RAM and 1 TB of storage, a superior AMOLED display with 144 frames per second. And as if that is not enough so far, there is also an IP68 certification and a 120 W "HyperCharge" power supply for the 5,000 mAh battery on top. The only thing missing is the wireless charging feature and maybe there is still room for the ultra-wide-angle camera.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro review: sharing the Leica love
Source: Stuff TV Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro can take a particularly pleasing photo with minimal effort, has consistently great battery life (with insanely quick charging). Its performance on par with full-on flagship phones. That’s an impressive combination – but there are plenty of all-rounder rivals that are equally deserving of your cash. Glyph lights and see-through styling make Nothing’s Phone 2 more dramatic, while the Google Pixel 7’s cameras are superb in all lighting conditions. The iPhone 15’s recent arrival has pushed the iPhone 13 down to mid-range territory, and a OnePlus 11 isn’t very much more expensive. Xiaomi stands out with its powerful Dimensity silicon, and by offering a lot of storage for your money. The 512GB variant launches at £699 in the UK (there are no plans for US sales), besting every model mentioned above. The cheaper Honor 90 matches it, but skimps out on its secondary cameras.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T Pro Hands-On: Leica Telemacro Lens!
Source: ben's gadget reviews Anglais
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is the first T phones to get Leica optics and IP68 water and dust resistance, but the thing that impresses me most is the new 50MP telephoto lens that can double as a macro shooter. There's also a MediaTek Dimensity 9200+ chip inside and a battery that can be charged at 120W with the included charger. The phone’s price starts at 799 euro in Europe.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro | Unboxing & 5 Day Review
Source: Tech Spurt Anglais
Unboxing the Xiaomi 13T Pro with a 5 day review of that Leica camera setup, gaming performance, battery life and beyond. The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a step down from the flagship phones for specs but boasts some capable optics, fast charging and more great features. UK prices are £649/£699/£799 for the 256/512/1TB phones, with early bird offers. First up, the Leica vario-summicron camera hardware is solid for everyday photography. The 50MP 24mm sensor with OIS works well even at night, capturing bright, crisp images. You can also shoot up to 8K video on the Xiaomi 13T Pro and there’s an ultra-wide and telephoto lens for flexibility. While these phones often disappoint for software support, that’s not a problem here. The Xiaomi 13T Pro will enjoy five years of security updates, plus four OS updates, matching many more expensive smartphones.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Hands-On Review
Source: Yugatech Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro hands-on review: Lucky number 13
Source: Expert Reviews Anglais EN→FR
With true flagships nudging into four figures more often than not, there’s more need than ever for affordable alternatives that don’t compromise too much on power. Based on my initial time spent with the phone, the Xiaomi 13T Pro certainly appears set to fill that niche, with impressive specs across the board. More importantly, the Xiaomi 13T Pro has taken on criticisms levelled against the 12T Pro and taken steps to improve. The weatherproofing rating is a big one, rocketing this up to one of the most resistant handsets out there, but the redesigned camera system could also prove to be a boon, trading in an unnecessarily high pixel count on the main camera for a more useful telephoto lens as secondary. Our full review will have the final word on how good these cameras actually are, along with how well the Mediatek chipset competes against Snapdragon’s best, so be sure to check back with us soon to see what we think of the Xiaomi 13T Pro.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 09/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro hands-on: First impressions of the fast-charging monster
Source: Pocket Lint Anglais EN→FR
As with most phones from Xiaomi, the 13T Pro seems like a solid overall device. It's not one that particularly stands out in a crowded market, but there are a couple of things that buyers could find really appealing. It's got a top-level processor from MediaTek inside to deliver fast, efficient performance and has a battery that can go from empty to completely full in under twenty minutes. Add to that a big, flat display and you have a promising phone that shouldn't cost as much as the competition's top-tier phones.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro review
Source: Tech Advisor Anglais EN→FR
Unlike many phones, the Xiaomi 13T Pro is a significant upgrade on its predecessor. The new flagship MediaTek chipset delivers top-tier performance, especially alongside a super-smooth 144Hz OLED display. Swapping macro for telephoto makes the cameras much more versatile and well-rounded, and you now get an IP68 rating for water and dust resistance. But despite the superb 120W fast charging, battery life is slightly underwhelming. You’ll also have to put up with the quirks of MIUI, even if Xiaomi’s commitment to updates is now very impressive. The Xiaomi 13T Pro has arguably the best hardware of any phone at this price, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right device for you.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro Review
Source: Trusted Reviews Anglais EN→FR
It’s the same old Xiaomi story with the 13T Pro – great hardware let down by sometimes frustrating software in the form of MIUI 14. It borrows inspiration from iOS while simultaneously doing things completely differently from other Android OEMs, making the learning curve a rather steep one, even if you’re familiar with the Android OS. Flaws of software aside, the hardware on offer is impressive considering its £649 price tag. The 6.67-inch AMOLED display is great for both movie watching and gaming thanks to a 144Hz refresh rate. The Leica-branded camera setup can deliver great results in both well-lit and low-light scenarios, with the latter able to compete with the likes of the Google Pixel 7. The telephoto lens is a bit of an oddity, however, with a cropped view of the main sensor used more often than I expected.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro Review – Leica on a budget
Source: Amateur Photographer Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a really nice phone, with a triple camera system, it has a great main camera, a good 2x telephoto camera, and a good enough ultra-wide-angle camera, and it’s a definite improvement over last years 12T Pro. The telephoto camera gives good results, with images showing a lot of detail, as long as you’re shooting in good light, as the camera lacks optical image stabilisation. It’s a shame the telephoto camera isn’t a 3x telephoto camera, as this would have really given an extra edge over other mid-range phones. Perhaps next year we’ll see a 3x telephoto camera. The lack of a dedicated macro mode, either using the ultra-wide-angle camera, or using the telephoto camera (as per the 13 Pro) is a shame, but the main camera can do a good job when cropped, and gives much better results than low-resolution macro cameras. The Xiaomi 13T Pro is a great upgrade from last years Xiaomi 12T Pro, with a noticeably improvement in the camera package, thanks to three good cameras on the back.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
60% I want to like this new Android phone, but there’s a big problem with it
Source: Digital Trends Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is an odd mishmash of features and designs from the Xiaomi 12T Pro, the Xiaomi 12 Pro, and the Xiaomi 13 Pro. It has the same charging technology as all three of these devices and a similar “family” design and style. The screen is basically the same as the 12T Pro’s, just with a slightly higher refresh rate and PWM dimming, but it has a notably less impressive camera than its older siblings. I don’t think the switch to MediaTek’s Dimensity chip is an issue, as the phone’s overall performance is excellent, but I’m not sure enough has been done in terms of tuning the camera to work with it. There’s also no standout camera feature, with the 12T Pro coming with a 200MP camera when it launched this time last year. Instead, the camera is very similar to the 12 Pro, just with a lower-resolution wide-angle camera. If you already own any of these phones, there’s no obvious reason to upgrade, and if you have a 12 Pro or 12T Pro, then you should be looking at the superb Xiaomi 13 Pro as your next phone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 60%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro Review: The Slightly Cheaper Flagship!
Source: Nextpit EN Anglais EN→FR
Considered on its own, the Xiaomi 13T Pro is a very high-quality and recommendable flagship smartphone at a starting price of 799.90 Euros. Why considered on its own? Because the company's lineup is actually quite well-stocked with the Xiaomi 13 and 13 Pro. In view of their rapidly falling street prices, one can legitimately ask whether the company is not cannibalizing itself. If it were not for this fact, the Xiaomi 13T Pro would have deserved 4.5 stars. But regardless of this aspect, there is nothing to criticize about the Xiaomi 13T Pro! A fast MediaTek 9200+ that is quite on par with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, up to 16 GB of RAM and 1 TB of storage, a superior AMOLED display with 144 frames per second. And as if that is not enough so far, there is also an IP68 certification and a 120 W "HyperCharge" power supply for the 5,000 mAh battery on top. The only thing missing is the wireless charging feature and maybe there is still room for the ultra-wide-angle camera.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro review: sharing the Leica love
Source: Stuff TV Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T Pro can take a particularly pleasing photo with minimal effort, has consistently great battery life (with insanely quick charging). Its performance on par with full-on flagship phones. That’s an impressive combination – but there are plenty of all-rounder rivals that are equally deserving of your cash. Glyph lights and see-through styling make Nothing’s Phone 2 more dramatic, while the Google Pixel 7’s cameras are superb in all lighting conditions. The iPhone 15’s recent arrival has pushed the iPhone 13 down to mid-range territory, and a OnePlus 11 isn’t very much more expensive. Xiaomi stands out with its powerful Dimensity silicon, and by offering a lot of storage for your money. The 512GB variant launches at £699 in the UK (there are no plans for US sales), besting every model mentioned above. The cheaper Honor 90 matches it, but skimps out on its secondary cameras.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T Pro Hands-On: Leica Telemacro Lens!
Source: ben's gadget reviews Anglais
The Xiaomi 13T Pro is the first T phones to get Leica optics and IP68 water and dust resistance, but the thing that impresses me most is the new 50MP telephoto lens that can double as a macro shooter. There's also a MediaTek Dimensity 9200+ chip inside and a battery that can be charged at 120W with the included charger. The phone’s price starts at 799 euro in Europe.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro mit Leica-Kamera
Source: Stadt-bremerhaven Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/19/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro mit Leica-Kamera
Source: Stadt-bremerhaven Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/19/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Super-Lader mit einigen Schwächen
Source: RP-Online Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/24/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro Super-Lader mit einigen Schwächen
Source: RP-Online Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/24/2023
87% Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/11/2023
Notes: Note globale: 87% performances: 95% écran: 100% mobilité: 75% finition: 80%
87% Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/11/2023
Notes: Note globale: 87% performances: 95% écran: 100% mobilité: 75% finition: 80%
144-Hertz-Display, Leica-Kamera
Source: n-tv Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/09/2023
144-Hertz-Display, Leica-Kamera
Source: n-tv Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/09/2023
Die günstigste Leica-Kamera überhaupt
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/05/2023
Die günstigste Leica-Kamera überhaupt
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/05/2023
80% mit Leica-Kamera gegen das Google Pixel
Source: Nextpit Germany Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/03/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% mit Leica-Kamera gegen das Google Pixel
Source: Nextpit Germany Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/03/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: PC Welt Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/02/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: PC Welt Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/02/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
97% Xiaomi 13T Pro im Test: Billiger und trotzdem besser?
Source: Computerbild Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/28/2023
Notes: Note globale: 97%
97% Xiaomi 13T Pro im Test: Billiger und trotzdem besser?
Source: Computerbild Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/28/2023
Notes: Note globale: 97%
90% Xiaomi 13T Pro, análisis: difuminando la barrera con los móviles premium a golpe de equilibrio
Source: Xataka Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/18/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 93% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90%
90% Xiaomi 13T Pro, análisis: difuminando la barrera con los móviles premium a golpe de equilibrio
Source: Xataka Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/18/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 93% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90%
89% Xiaomi 13T Pro, análisis y opinión: fotografía y diseño de gama alta por debajo de los 1.000 euros
Source: Computerhoy Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/11/2023
Notes: Note globale: 89%
89% Xiaomi 13T Pro, análisis y opinión: fotografía y diseño de gama alta por debajo de los 1.000 euros
Source: Computerhoy Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/11/2023
Notes: Note globale: 89%
Una semana con el Xiaomi 13T Pro: una vuelta a las raíces por la puerta grande
Source: El Español Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2023
Una semana con el Xiaomi 13T Pro: una vuelta a las raíces por la puerta grande
Source: El Español Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2023
Análise Xiaomi 13T Pro: Review ao gama-média que parece Premium
Source: Mais Tecnologia Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Análise Xiaomi 13T Pro: Review ao gama-média que parece Premium
Source: Mais Tecnologia Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
90% Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: PC Guia Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 11/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: PC Guia Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 11/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
85% Análise Xiaomi 13T Pro. Este treze não dá azar, pelo contrário
Source: Android Geek Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 85% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 80%
85% Análise Xiaomi 13T Pro. Este treze não dá azar, pelo contrário
Source: Android Geek Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 85% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 80%
86% Xiaomi 13T Pro review: o que precisam de saber antes de comprar!
Source: 4G News Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/05/2023
Notes: Note globale: 86% prix: 80% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 100%
86% Xiaomi 13T Pro review: o que precisam de saber antes de comprar!
Source: 4G News Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/05/2023
Notes: Note globale: 86% prix: 80% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 100%
86% Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: foto e video Leica ma a un prezzo meno proibitivo
Source: Tudo Celular Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 86% performances: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 75%
86% Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: foto e video Leica ma a un prezzo meno proibitivo
Source: Tudo Celular Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 86% performances: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 75%
Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro, un buon compromesso tra prezzo e qualità
Source: Mister Gadget Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/01/2023
Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro, un buon compromesso tra prezzo e qualità
Source: Mister Gadget Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/01/2023
80% Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Andrea Galeazzi Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 68% écran: 88% mobilité: 79% finition: 80%
78% Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: uno smartphone fatto per durare
Source: Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 78% prix: 60% équipement: 85% écran: 90% mobilité: 85% finition: 85% ergonomie: 85%
72% Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: farà strada!
Source: Evo smart Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 72% performances: 75% écran: 75% mobilité: 80% finition: 70%
Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: ha ancora senso la versione ''T''?
Source: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: completo ed al giusto prezzo di lancio | VIDEO
Source: Italien IT→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: équipement: 84%
80% Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Andrea Galeazzi Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 68% écran: 88% mobilité: 79% finition: 80%
78% Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: uno smartphone fatto per durare
Source: Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 78% prix: 60% équipement: 85% écran: 90% mobilité: 85% finition: 85% ergonomie: 85%
72% Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: farà strada!
Source: Evo smart Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 72% performances: 75% écran: 75% mobilité: 80% finition: 70%
Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: ha ancora senso la versione ''T''?
Source: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: completo ed al giusto prezzo di lancio | VIDEO
Source: Italien IT→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: équipement: 84%
Xiaomi 13T Pro ze ślicznym AMOLED-em i aparatem OIS – recenzja
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Xiaomi 13T Pro ze ślicznym AMOLED-em i aparatem OIS – recenzja
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Xiaomi 13T Pro – Chińczycy pozytywnie zaskoczyli?
Source: Co Nowego Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/01/2024
Xiaomi 13T Pro – Chińczycy pozytywnie zaskoczyli?
Source: Co Nowego Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/01/2024
70% Xiaomi 13T Pro – Recenzja
Source: Root Nation PL Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70% prix: 70% écran: 70% mobilité: 80% finition: 70%
70% Xiaomi 13T Pro – Recenzja
Source: Root Nation PL Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70% prix: 70% écran: 70% mobilité: 80% finition: 70%
Test Xiaomi 13T pro – kamera akcja…
Source: Techno Senior Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/18/2023
Test Xiaomi 13T pro – kamera akcja…
Source: Techno Senior Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/18/2023
76% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T Pro. Lepsza wersja tego, co już znacie
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/16/2023
Notes: Note globale: 76% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 70% finition: 70%
76% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T Pro. Lepsza wersja tego, co już znacie
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/16/2023
Notes: Note globale: 76% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 70% finition: 70%
Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: mGSM Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/14/2023
80% Nie ma warto przepłacać! – test Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Techno Strefa Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/14/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: mGSM Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/14/2023
80% Nie ma warto przepłacać! – test Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Techno Strefa Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/14/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T Pro – recenzja. Niezbity dowód na to, że liczy się wnętrze
Source: Antyweb Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/07/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro – recenzja. Niezbity dowód na to, że liczy się wnętrze
Source: Antyweb Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/07/2023
Test Xiaomi 13T Pro. Tańsza alternatywa nie musi być gorsza
Source: Telepolis Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/16/2023
Test Xiaomi 13T Pro. Tańsza alternatywa nie musi być gorsza
Source: Telepolis Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/16/2023
80% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T Pro. Ciekawy, nowoczesny, ale czy wart swojej ceny?
Source: Geex X-kom Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T Pro. Ciekawy, nowoczesny, ale czy wart swojej ceny?
Source: Geex X-kom Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T Pro. Przymknij oko, a otrzymasz ideał
Source: Tabletowo Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/11/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T Pro. Przymknij oko, a otrzymasz ideał
Source: Tabletowo Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/11/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T Pro - przed chwilą premiera w Berlinie – my już go sprawdziliśmy
Source: GSM Online Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro - przed chwilą premiera w Berlinie – my już go sprawdziliśmy
Source: GSM Online Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Source: Unite4buy Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/25/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Source: Unite4buy Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/25/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Source: Unite4buy Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/21/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Source: Unite4buy Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/21/2023
88% Xiaomi 13T Pro İnceleme
Source: Chip Online TR TR→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 03/15/2024
Notes: Note globale: 88%
88% Xiaomi 13T Pro İnceleme
Source: Chip Online TR TR→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 03/15/2024
Notes: Note globale: 88%
Обзор смартфона Xiaomi 13T Pro: классика Xiaomi
Source: RU→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/27/2023
Обзор смартфона Xiaomi 13T Pro: классика Xiaomi
Source: RU→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/27/2023
Xiaomi 13T és 13T Pro - nincs tétlenkedés
Source: MobilArena HU HU→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/20/2023
Notes: prix: 70% écran: 90% mobilité: 80% finition: 90%
Xiaomi 13T és 13T Pro - nincs tétlenkedés
Source: MobilArena HU HU→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/20/2023
Notes: prix: 70% écran: 90% mobilité: 80% finition: 90%
92% Recenze Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Testado CZ→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 03/22/2024
Notes: Note globale: 92% performances: 90% équipement: 90% écran: 100% mobilité: 95% finition: 80%
92% Recenze Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Testado CZ→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 03/22/2024
Notes: Note globale: 92% performances: 90% équipement: 90% écran: 100% mobilité: 95% finition: 80%
83% Recenze Xiaomi 13T Pro: i bronzová medaile může být výhra
Source: CZ→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/08/2023
Notes: Note globale: 83% performances: 91% équipement: 82% mobilité: 85% finition: 75%
83% Recenze Xiaomi 13T Pro: i bronzová medaile může být výhra
Source: CZ→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/08/2023
Notes: Note globale: 83% performances: 91% équipement: 82% mobilité: 85% finition: 75%
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T Pro: Dimensity 9200+, camera Leica 50MP, pin 5000mAh
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 01/11/2024
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T Pro: Dimensity 9200+, camera Leica 50MP, pin 5000mAh
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 01/11/2024
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T Pro: Chiếc điện thoại Xiaomi này không chỉ tốt về mặt cấu hình
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/04/2023
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T Pro: Chiếc điện thoại Xiaomi này không chỉ tốt về mặt cấu hình
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/04/2023
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T Pro sau 1 tháng sử dụng: Chiếc smartphone đánh dấu bước chuyển mình của Xiaomi
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/16/2023
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T Pro sau 1 tháng sử dụng: Chiếc smartphone đánh dấu bước chuyển mình của Xiaomi
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/16/2023
Đánh giá hiệu năng Xiaomi 13T Pro: Ngon hơn Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, chiến Genshin Impact mượt mà lại không nóng
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/07/2023
Đánh giá hiệu năng Xiaomi 13T Pro: Ngon hơn Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, chiến Genshin Impact mượt mà lại không nóng
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/07/2023
Trải nghiệm nhanh camera Xiaomi 13T Pro: Thêm ống kính Leica, dòng T nay đã khác
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/28/2023
Trải nghiệm nhanh camera Xiaomi 13T Pro: Thêm ống kính Leica, dòng T nay đã khác
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/28/2023
Trên tay Xiaomi 13T Pro: Flagship quốc dân thế hệ tiếp theo, camera Leica, giá 16.99 triệu kèm quà khủng
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/27/2023
Trên tay Xiaomi 13T Pro tại Việt Nam: Thiết kế bắt mắt, màn hình 144 Hz, chip Dimensity 9200+ mạnh mẽ, camera Leica
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/27/2023
Trên tay Xiaomi 13T Pro: Flagship quốc dân thế hệ tiếp theo, camera Leica, giá 16.99 triệu kèm quà khủng
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/27/2023
Trên tay Xiaomi 13T Pro tại Việt Nam: Thiết kế bắt mắt, màn hình 144 Hz, chip Dimensity 9200+ mạnh mẽ, camera Leica
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/27/2023
70% Test Xiaomi 13T Og Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: NO→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/30/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70%
70% Test Xiaomi 13T Og Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: NO→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/30/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70%
84% Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Komputer for alle DA→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 12/04/2023
Notes: Note globale: 84%
84% Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: Komputer for alle DA→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 12/04/2023
Notes: Note globale: 84%
80% Test: Xiaomi 13T Pro – Skärm, yta och prispress
Source: SV→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/18/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% écran: 90%
80% Test: Xiaomi 13T Pro – Skärm, yta och prispress
Source: SV→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/18/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% écran: 90%
80% Test: Xiaomi 13T Pro – kreativ och prisvärd mobil
Source: M3 PC för alla SV→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/02/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Test: Xiaomi 13T Pro – kreativ och prisvärd mobil
Source: M3 PC för alla SV→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/02/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%


Xiaomi 13T

Spécifications de l'ordinateur portable

Xiaomi 13TOrdinateur portable: Xiaomi 13T
Processeur: Mediatek Dimensity 8200-Ultra
Carte graphique: ARM Mali-G610 MP6
Écran: 6.67 pouces, 20:9, 2712 x 1220 pixels
Poids: 0.197kg


Note moyenne: 84.47% - Bon

Moyenne de 38 notes (à partir de 120 critiques)



87.7% Test du Xiaomi 13T : l'alternative au Xiaomi 13 pour les petits budgets | Notebookcheck
Si le Xiaomi 13 s'avère trop cher pour votre budget, envisagez de vous tourner vers le Xiaomi 13T, plus abordable. Il est tout aussi bien équipé et rivalise étroitement avec le vaisseau amiral en termes de performances. Avec un écran de 6,67 pouces, l'appareil est doté d'un écran AMOLED remarquablement lumineux avec un taux de rafraîchissement de 144 Hz, complété par un triple système d'appareil photo amélioré par Leica, doté d'un zoom optique 2x. En outre, le Xiaomi 13T offre une impressionnante mise à jour de 5 ans.
70% Test du Xiaomi 13T : deux bonnes surprises pour un smartphone très banal
Source: Frandroid Français
C'est un peu la blague avec les smartphones Xiaomi, mais là, c'est poussé à son paroxysme : difficile de faire plus 7/10 que le Xiaomi 13T. La première raison principale, c'est qu'il ne souffre d'aucun gros défaut, peu importe le domaine. La seconde raison principale, c'est qu'il n'a aucune grosse qualité, la faute à une concurrence de plus en plus rude en photo, sur l'interface ou les performances. Néanmoins, si vous êtes un amateur de la marque et que vous trouvez une belle offre pour le Xiaomi 13T, vous ne regretterez pas votre choix. D'autant plus que celui-ci est l'un des premiers du constructeur à profiter de quatre années de mises à jour majeures et de sécurité. Vous devriez pouvoir vous amuser avec sa puce assez puissante, son téléobjectif ou encore ses options de personnalisation. Même à 650 euros, le Xiaomi 13T n'est pas un mauvais choix : la concurrence n'est pas si nombreuse que ça dans cette gamme de prix.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/08/2024
Notes: Note globale: 70% performances: 70% écran: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 70%
70% Test du Xiaomi 13T : deux bonnes surprises pour un smartphone très banal
Source: Frandroid Français
C'est un peu la blague avec les smartphones Xiaomi, mais là, c'est poussé à son paroxysme : difficile de faire plus 7/10 que le Xiaomi 13T. La première raison principale, c'est qu'il ne souffre d'aucun gros défaut, peu importe le domaine. La seconde raison principale, c'est qu'il n'a aucune grosse qualité, la faute à une concurrence de plus en plus rude en photo, sur l'interface ou les performances. Néanmoins, si vous êtes un amateur de la marque et que vous trouvez une belle offre pour le Xiaomi 13T, vous ne regretterez pas votre choix. D'autant plus que celui-ci est l'un des premiers du constructeur à profiter de quatre années de mises à jour majeures et de sécurité. Vous devriez pouvoir vous amuser avec sa puce assez puissante, son téléobjectif ou encore ses options de personnalisation. Même à 650 euros, le Xiaomi 13T n'est pas un mauvais choix : la concurrence n'est pas si nombreuse que ça dans cette gamme de prix.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/08/2024
Notes: Note globale: 70% performances: 70% écran: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 70%
90% Test du Xiaomi 13T : un excellent rapport qualité-prix
Source: 01Net Français
En reprenant les bases solides du Xiaomi 13T Pro, la marque chinoise fait juste ce qu'il faut de concessions pour proposer un 13T au rapport qualité-prix encore plus intéressant que celui de son grand frère. Si les performances moindres, la perte des vidéos en 8K et la charge un peu moins rapide ne vous freinent pas, le Xiaomi 13T est une des meilleures affaires disponibles à moins de 500 euros.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/02/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90% mobilité: 100%
90% Test du Xiaomi 13T : un excellent rapport qualité-prix
Source: 01Net Français
En reprenant les bases solides du Xiaomi 13T Pro, la marque chinoise fait juste ce qu'il faut de concessions pour proposer un 13T au rapport qualité-prix encore plus intéressant que celui de son grand frère. Si les performances moindres, la perte des vidéos en 8K et la charge un peu moins rapide ne vous freinent pas, le Xiaomi 13T est une des meilleures affaires disponibles à moins de 500 euros.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/02/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90% mobilité: 100%
80% Xiaomi 13T
Source: Les Numeriques Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro est un smartphone équilibré et le 13T conserve cette qualité malgré un tarif de lancement bien moindre. Il se charge un peu moins vite, quoique rapidement, et s'avère légèrement moins endurant. Il perd aussi la capacité à filmer en 8K et embarque un peu moins de mémoire vive et de stockage. Ceci étant, il présente des performances comparables, un volet photo semblable et un design identique, comprenant la certification IP68 et le support de l'eSIM. Bref, à l'exception de quelques détails peu pénalisants, le 13T constitue une alternative abordable au 13T Pro. Il s'agit surtout d'un smartphone flirtant avec le haut de gamme, abordable et très recommandable. Cela correspond à la définition du flagship killer, version 2023.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/19/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 80% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 80% ergonomie: 80%
80% Xiaomi 13T
Source: Les Numeriques Français
Le Xiaomi 13T Pro est un smartphone équilibré et le 13T conserve cette qualité malgré un tarif de lancement bien moindre. Il se charge un peu moins vite, quoique rapidement, et s'avère légèrement moins endurant. Il perd aussi la capacité à filmer en 8K et embarque un peu moins de mémoire vive et de stockage. Ceci étant, il présente des performances comparables, un volet photo semblable et un design identique, comprenant la certification IP68 et le support de l'eSIM. Bref, à l'exception de quelques détails peu pénalisants, le 13T constitue une alternative abordable au 13T Pro. Il s'agit surtout d'un smartphone flirtant avec le haut de gamme, abordable et très recommandable. Cela correspond à la définition du flagship killer, version 2023.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/19/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 80% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 80% ergonomie: 80%

Critiques dans des langues étrangères

Xiaomi 13T Review: The Best Mid-Range Phone of 2023
Source: Tech Amaze Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi 13T is a flagship killer phone that has many features similar to a flagship inside it. This smart phone is equipped with IP68 and is safe against water and dust penetration. The Mediatek Dimensity 8200 Ultra chip used in it also has a high ability to run games and applications you need. The screen of this phone is another interesting part of it that has a high quality. In total, if you need a phone with a reasonable price in the range of a flagship, Xiaomi 13T will be a good option for you.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/18/2023
Xiaomi 13T Review: The Best Mid-Range Phone of 2023
Source: Tech Amaze Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi 13T is a flagship killer phone that has many features similar to a flagship inside it. This smart phone is equipped with IP68 and is safe against water and dust penetration. The Mediatek Dimensity 8200 Ultra chip used in it also has a high ability to run games and applications you need. The screen of this phone is another interesting part of it that has a high quality. In total, if you need a phone with a reasonable price in the range of a flagship, Xiaomi 13T will be a good option for you.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/18/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro vs. 13T: Which one to get?
Source: GSM Arena Anglais
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 12/15/2023
Xiaomi 13T Pro vs. 13T: Which one to get?
Source: GSM Arena Anglais
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 12/15/2023
86% Xiaomi 13T Smartphone Review
Source: Root Nation Anglais EN→FR
How do I evaluate the Xiaomi 13T? It’s a phone that is definitely worth buying or, at the very least, considering for purchase. Because it offers good features without costing a fortune. Of course, it has some minor drawbacks, but it leaves only pleasant impressions. And it’s a good deal for a lower price, especially since the regular 13T is very similar to the “Pro” version, which, compared to our hero, doesn’t seem as advanced. Compare all the pros and cons to make your decision! Regarding the price, I understand that it might not fall clearly into the advantages or disadvantages. The manufacturer’s recommended price may be slightly elevated, but when compared to online prices and potential discounts, it can indeed be considered a very good purchase. The Xiaomi 13T offers good features without breaking the bank. While it has some minor drawbacks, it leaves a positive impression. Moreover, it closely resembles the "Pro" version but comes at a much more affordable price!
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/08/2023
Notes: Note globale: 86% prix: 80% performances: 70% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 90% ergonomie: 80%
86% Xiaomi 13T Smartphone Review
Source: Root Nation Anglais EN→FR
How do I evaluate the Xiaomi 13T? It’s a phone that is definitely worth buying or, at the very least, considering for purchase. Because it offers good features without costing a fortune. Of course, it has some minor drawbacks, but it leaves only pleasant impressions. And it’s a good deal for a lower price, especially since the regular 13T is very similar to the “Pro” version, which, compared to our hero, doesn’t seem as advanced. Compare all the pros and cons to make your decision! Regarding the price, I understand that it might not fall clearly into the advantages or disadvantages. The manufacturer’s recommended price may be slightly elevated, but when compared to online prices and potential discounts, it can indeed be considered a very good purchase. The Xiaomi 13T offers good features without breaking the bank. While it has some minor drawbacks, it leaves a positive impression. Moreover, it closely resembles the "Pro" version but comes at a much more affordable price!
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/08/2023
Notes: Note globale: 86% prix: 80% performances: 70% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 90% ergonomie: 80%
90% Test Xiaomi 13T : La bonne affaire de fin d’année 2023 ?
Source: Phandroid Anglais EN→FR
Ce n’est certainement pas le meilleur en autonomie. En photo, les Pixel se débrouillent mieux. Il possède une puce guère puissante pour un téléphone milieu de gamme. Et pourtant, ce Xiaomi 13T est sans doute l’un des meilleurs bons plans du moment en téléphonie. Si vous l’acquérez pour moins de 500 euros, c’est déjà une bonne affaire. Mais il se négocie parfois sous la barre des 400 euros ! Ses faiblesses en matière de puissance, de photo (zoom et cliché de nuit) sont amplement compensées par sa polyvalence. Pour une meilleure qualité photo-vidéo ou plus de stockage, nous vous conseillons le très solide 13T Pro.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/27/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Test Xiaomi 13T : La bonne affaire de fin d’année 2023 ?
Source: Phandroid Anglais EN→FR
Ce n’est certainement pas le meilleur en autonomie. En photo, les Pixel se débrouillent mieux. Il possède une puce guère puissante pour un téléphone milieu de gamme. Et pourtant, ce Xiaomi 13T est sans doute l’un des meilleurs bons plans du moment en téléphonie. Si vous l’acquérez pour moins de 500 euros, c’est déjà une bonne affaire. Mais il se négocie parfois sous la barre des 400 euros ! Ses faiblesses en matière de puissance, de photo (zoom et cliché de nuit) sont amplement compensées par sa polyvalence. Pour une meilleure qualité photo-vidéo ou plus de stockage, nous vous conseillons le très solide 13T Pro.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/27/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Xiaomi 13T and 13T Pro Smartphone Review
Source: OI Spice Tech News Anglais EN→FR
Both Xiaomi 13T and 13T Pro smartphones are quite good deals in the affordable flagship range category. Overall, the phones give a pretty good set of features, specs, and software abilities that ensure the users won’t be disappointed after buying them. The smartphone excels in every department whether we talk about performance or battery. Alongside this, there seems no major drawback in the offer presented by Xiaomi. Speaking of negatives, the presence of MIUI often arrives with bloatware apps can be an issue for some users. Another thing expected is the OLED display panel, however, an AMOLED panel is also not bad either. Aside from this, there is no underwhelming part in the 13T and 13T Pro smartphones. The only thing that we feel missing out on is the lack of wireless charging and reverse charging.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/20/2023
Xiaomi 13T and 13T Pro Smartphone Review
Source: OI Spice Tech News Anglais EN→FR
Both Xiaomi 13T and 13T Pro smartphones are quite good deals in the affordable flagship range category. Overall, the phones give a pretty good set of features, specs, and software abilities that ensure the users won’t be disappointed after buying them. The smartphone excels in every department whether we talk about performance or battery. Alongside this, there seems no major drawback in the offer presented by Xiaomi. Speaking of negatives, the presence of MIUI often arrives with bloatware apps can be an issue for some users. Another thing expected is the OLED display panel, however, an AMOLED panel is also not bad either. Aside from this, there is no underwhelming part in the 13T and 13T Pro smartphones. The only thing that we feel missing out on is the lack of wireless charging and reverse charging.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/20/2023
Xiaomi 13T Audio test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T delivered an average performance for its class in the DXOMARK Audio tests, and was overall on par with its predecessor Xiaomi 12T. The audio playback experience was mostly decent but unremarkable. The built-in speakers provided a nice dynamics rendition, even at loud volume levels, and unwanted audio artifacts were well under control. Overall, playback results were best when watching movies, and slightly lower for listening to music and playing games. In recording, the microphones picked up a lot of upper treble harshness, which could be tiring to the ears. Recordings often sounded harsh and too compressed, especially at high volumes. As a recording device, the 13T did best with the memo app and in office use. Scores with the selfie and main cameras were slightly lower.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/16/2023
Xiaomi 13T Battery test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi 13T’s battery experience was quite average when compared to other devices we have tested. The device offered adequate autonomy in all our test cases. The charging experience and the efficiency results were in line with expectations. Xiaomi 13T showed an above-average performance in autonomy, lasting more than two days if used moderately every day. The autonomy in outdoor navigation, video playback, and indoor gaming was also very good. However, the device’s performance was less optimal in the calling use case, whether indoors or outdoors. The Xiaomi 13T was equipped with a 67W charger, which effectively decreased the duration to a full charge to around 52 minutes. The device also had a relatively accurate battery gauge. The 100% UI display represented more than 97% of the total capacity, ranking the device at the top of our database. On the other hand, even though the charger was quite powerful, the results of quick-boost tests were below average.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/16/2023
Xiaomi 13T Audio test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T delivered an average performance for its class in the DXOMARK Audio tests, and was overall on par with its predecessor Xiaomi 12T. The audio playback experience was mostly decent but unremarkable. The built-in speakers provided a nice dynamics rendition, even at loud volume levels, and unwanted audio artifacts were well under control. Overall, playback results were best when watching movies, and slightly lower for listening to music and playing games. In recording, the microphones picked up a lot of upper treble harshness, which could be tiring to the ears. Recordings often sounded harsh and too compressed, especially at high volumes. As a recording device, the 13T did best with the memo app and in office use. Scores with the selfie and main cameras were slightly lower.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/16/2023
Xiaomi 13T Battery test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
Xiaomi 13T’s battery experience was quite average when compared to other devices we have tested. The device offered adequate autonomy in all our test cases. The charging experience and the efficiency results were in line with expectations. Xiaomi 13T showed an above-average performance in autonomy, lasting more than two days if used moderately every day. The autonomy in outdoor navigation, video playback, and indoor gaming was also very good. However, the device’s performance was less optimal in the calling use case, whether indoors or outdoors. The Xiaomi 13T was equipped with a 67W charger, which effectively decreased the duration to a full charge to around 52 minutes. The device also had a relatively accurate battery gauge. The 100% UI display represented more than 97% of the total capacity, ranking the device at the top of our database. On the other hand, even though the charger was quite powerful, the results of quick-boost tests were below average.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/16/2023
Xiaomi 13T full review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais
The Xiaomi 13T is an excellent upper-midranger and it offers a substantial upgrade over its predecessor with a minimal price premium. And it might just have blindsided the competition as not a lot of phones can challenge it right now. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/14/2023
Xiaomi 13T full review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais
The Xiaomi 13T is an excellent upper-midranger and it offers a substantial upgrade over its predecessor with a minimal price premium. And it might just have blindsided the competition as not a lot of phones can challenge it right now. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/14/2023
88% Xiaomi 13T review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T is an excellent upper-midranger, and the only thing that keeps us from calling it an affordable flagship is the uninspiring SoC. We expected more from the new Dimensity 8200 chip. It failed to meet our expectations in terms of power and efficiency, and there are considerably more powerful alternatives around that price point. However, it's hard to overlook the package as a whole. The 13T is now a proficient shooter (sans the selfie camera), it sports a flagship-grade display, decently fast charging, 4 years of full software support IP68 ingress protection and has dependable battery life, albeit not impressive. It covers almost all bases and offers a good value overall, so it gets the nod from us.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 88%
88% Xiaomi 13T review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T is an excellent upper-midranger, and the only thing that keeps us from calling it an affordable flagship is the uninspiring SoC. We expected more from the new Dimensity 8200 chip. It failed to meet our expectations in terms of power and efficiency, and there are considerably more powerful alternatives around that price point. However, it's hard to overlook the package as a whole. The 13T is now a proficient shooter (sans the selfie camera), it sports a flagship-grade display, decently fast charging, 4 years of full software support IP68 ingress protection and has dependable battery life, albeit not impressive. It covers almost all bases and offers a good value overall, so it gets the nod from us.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 88%
Xiaomi 13T Camera test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T delivered a decent performance in the DXOMARK Camera test for a device in its class, but our experts observed a range of issues that prevented it from securing a spot among the best in our ranking. This included color casts, slightly unnatural skin tone rendering, vignetting and contrast issues in backlit scenes. This said, the device offered good exposure, a fairly wide dynamic range and a quite good trade-off between texture retention and noise reduction, especially in bright light and under typical indoor conditions. In video mode, the Xiaomi showed good results but also left some room for improvement. Unlike its predecessor, the 13T captures videos in HDR mode, offering a wide dynamic range in most conditions. In addition, the level of captured detail was pretty high when compared to other devices in the Premium segment.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/05/2023
Xiaomi 13T Display test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T, which is in our premium category, posted the same score and manifested a similar behavior as the premium Xiaomi 13T Pro, making the former a less expensive choice for the same display performance quality. The device overall shows a good performance on color rendering, being well tuned and adapted in most lighting conditions. However, our testers observed the same issues with readability in outdoor conditions than its predecessor, making it a device difficult to read under direct sunlight. The 13T also suffered from a drop in readability in low light and indoor conditions. While enjoying a 1400 nits peak brightness (our measurement), ambient lighting adaptation shows some limitations which has an impact on its readability score. Finally, the device shows major improvements in HDR10 brightness and tone mapping, making it more pleasant than its predecessors to watch video contents.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/05/2023
Xiaomi 13T Camera test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T delivered a decent performance in the DXOMARK Camera test for a device in its class, but our experts observed a range of issues that prevented it from securing a spot among the best in our ranking. This included color casts, slightly unnatural skin tone rendering, vignetting and contrast issues in backlit scenes. This said, the device offered good exposure, a fairly wide dynamic range and a quite good trade-off between texture retention and noise reduction, especially in bright light and under typical indoor conditions. In video mode, the Xiaomi showed good results but also left some room for improvement. Unlike its predecessor, the 13T captures videos in HDR mode, offering a wide dynamic range in most conditions. In addition, the level of captured detail was pretty high when compared to other devices in the Premium segment.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/05/2023
Xiaomi 13T Display test
Source: DxOMark Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T, which is in our premium category, posted the same score and manifested a similar behavior as the premium Xiaomi 13T Pro, making the former a less expensive choice for the same display performance quality. The device overall shows a good performance on color rendering, being well tuned and adapted in most lighting conditions. However, our testers observed the same issues with readability in outdoor conditions than its predecessor, making it a device difficult to read under direct sunlight. The 13T also suffered from a drop in readability in low light and indoor conditions. While enjoying a 1400 nits peak brightness (our measurement), ambient lighting adaptation shows some limitations which has an impact on its readability score. Finally, the device shows major improvements in HDR10 brightness and tone mapping, making it more pleasant than its predecessors to watch video contents.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/05/2023
Better than iPhone 15 Pro Max, Half the Price! | Xiaomi 13T
Source: Tech Spurt Anglais
Unboxing the Xiaomi 13T mid-range smartphone with a review of the camera tech, gaming performance on Genshin Impact, battery life and features. Despite the Xiaomi 13T costing less than half an iPhone 15 Pro Max, I've enjoyed using it a LOT more! That Leica Vario-Summicron camera setup is reliable for everyday photography. The 50MP 24mm sensor with OIS works well even at night, and tends to offer realistic textures and tones. You can't shoot 8K video like you can with the Xiaomi 13T Pro but 4K footage still looks and sounds good. While these phones often disappoint for software support, that’s not a problem here. The Xiaomi 13T boasts five years of security updates, plus four OS updates. Gamers will love that Mediatek Dimensity 8200 Ultra performance too.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/04/2023
Better than iPhone 15 Pro Max, Half the Price! | Xiaomi 13T
Source: Tech Spurt Anglais
Unboxing the Xiaomi 13T mid-range smartphone with a review of the camera tech, gaming performance on Genshin Impact, battery life and features. Despite the Xiaomi 13T costing less than half an iPhone 15 Pro Max, I've enjoyed using it a LOT more! That Leica Vario-Summicron camera setup is reliable for everyday photography. The 50MP 24mm sensor with OIS works well even at night, and tends to offer realistic textures and tones. You can't shoot 8K video like you can with the Xiaomi 13T Pro but 4K footage still looks and sounds good. While these phones often disappoint for software support, that’s not a problem here. The Xiaomi 13T boasts five years of security updates, plus four OS updates. Gamers will love that Mediatek Dimensity 8200 Ultra performance too.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/04/2023
First Impressions: Xiaomi 13T
Source: Trusted Reviews Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T could be the more exciting smartphone compared to its bigger brother. Sure, the 13T Pro has faster charging and faster processing, but the tech that counts – including the 6.67-inch 144Hz display and Leica co-engineered camera setup – remains consistent among the two, though at a much lower price.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
First Impressions: Xiaomi 13T
Source: Trusted Reviews Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T could be the more exciting smartphone compared to its bigger brother. Sure, the 13T Pro has faster charging and faster processing, but the tech that counts – including the 6.67-inch 144Hz display and Leica co-engineered camera setup – remains consistent among the two, though at a much lower price.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T hands-on review: The perfect compromise?
Source: Expert Reviews Anglais EN→FR
It could well be that, when we come to running the Xiaomi 13T through our rigorous testing process, it falls flat on its face with terrible performance and an ugly, inaccurate display. Barring something that dramatic, however, we may be looking at the best value-for-money phone we’ve seen from Xiaomi in a long time. We’ll be getting a sample in for a full review in the near future, at which point we’ll see for sure how well it performs in our usual benchmark tests. Until then, anyone who is looking for flagship-level features at a mid-range price will want to keep their eye firmly on the Xiaomi 13T.
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 09/26/2023
80% Xiaomi 13T review
Source: Tech Advisor Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T, while similar to the Xiaomi 12T and Xiaomi 13, still excels in a number of ways for which this phone is worth considering. The Dimensity 8200-Ultra offers excellent performance and the 6.67in OLED display is a visual treat, especially when combined with the 144Hz refresh rate. The impressive 50Mp main camera, as well as the other three lenses on the 13T, are up to the task. Although it collects plenty of fingerprints, its sleek design, coupled with 67W fast charging, also adds to its appeal. Keep in mind, however, that these charging speeds come at the expense of battery life and even an incomplete day of use. The MIUI 14 overlay on top of Android 13 leaves a lot to be desired, although there will certainly be those who will like it. Considering the price, I am able to forgive the Xiaomi 13T a few minor inconveniences and it’s a solid option if it ticks your boxes.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T hands-on review: The perfect compromise?
Source: Expert Reviews Anglais EN→FR
It could well be that, when we come to running the Xiaomi 13T through our rigorous testing process, it falls flat on its face with terrible performance and an ugly, inaccurate display. Barring something that dramatic, however, we may be looking at the best value-for-money phone we’ve seen from Xiaomi in a long time. We’ll be getting a sample in for a full review in the near future, at which point we’ll see for sure how well it performs in our usual benchmark tests. Until then, anyone who is looking for flagship-level features at a mid-range price will want to keep their eye firmly on the Xiaomi 13T.
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 09/26/2023
80% Xiaomi 13T review
Source: Tech Advisor Anglais EN→FR
The Xiaomi 13T, while similar to the Xiaomi 12T and Xiaomi 13, still excels in a number of ways for which this phone is worth considering. The Dimensity 8200-Ultra offers excellent performance and the 6.67in OLED display is a visual treat, especially when combined with the 144Hz refresh rate. The impressive 50Mp main camera, as well as the other three lenses on the 13T, are up to the task. Although it collects plenty of fingerprints, its sleek design, coupled with 67W fast charging, also adds to its appeal. Keep in mind, however, that these charging speeds come at the expense of battery life and even an incomplete day of use. The MIUI 14 overlay on top of Android 13 leaves a lot to be desired, although there will certainly be those who will like it. Considering the price, I am able to forgive the Xiaomi 13T a few minor inconveniences and it’s a solid option if it ticks your boxes.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T
Source: Stadt-bremerhaven Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/26/2023
Xiaomi 13T
Source: Stadt-bremerhaven Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/26/2023
Starke Mittelklasse-Smartphones mit leichten Schwächen
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/08/2023
Starke Mittelklasse-Smartphones mit leichten Schwächen
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/08/2023
91% Xiaomi 13T
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2023
Notes: Note globale: 91% performances: 90% écran: 100% mobilité: 85% finition: 85%
91% Xiaomi 13T
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2023
Notes: Note globale: 91% performances: 90% écran: 100% mobilité: 85% finition: 85%
90% Günstiger als das Xiaomi 13 und fast genauso gut
Source: Tech Stage Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/02/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Günstiger als das Xiaomi 13 und fast genauso gut
Source: Tech Stage Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/02/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
96% Xiaomi 13T mit Leica-Kamera im Test: Smart gespart?
Source: Computerbild Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/28/2023
Notes: Note globale: 96%
96% Xiaomi 13T mit Leica-Kamera im Test: Smart gespart?
Source: Computerbild Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/28/2023
Notes: Note globale: 96%
Xiaomi 13T, análisis: el nuevo gama alta de la marca tiene mucho más que ofrecer que una cámara Leica
Source: Hipertextual Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/09/2023
Xiaomi 13T, análisis: el nuevo gama alta de la marca tiene mucho más que ofrecer que una cámara Leica
Source: Hipertextual Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/09/2023
90% Xiaomi 13T
Source: PC Guia Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 01/23/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Xiaomi 13T
Source: PC Guia Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 01/23/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
86% Recensione Xiaomi 13T
Source: Batista70Phone Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/25/2024
Notes: Note globale: 86% équipement: 85% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 85% ergonomie: 85%
86% Recensione Xiaomi 13T
Source: Batista70Phone Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/25/2024
Notes: Note globale: 86% équipement: 85% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 85% ergonomie: 85%
La recensione di Xiaomi 13T: completo, performante e dal giusto prezzo
Source: Techprincess IT Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/06/2023
La recensione di Xiaomi 13T: completo, performante e dal giusto prezzo
Source: Techprincess IT Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/06/2023
Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: completo ed al giusto prezzo di lancio | VIDEO
Source: Italien IT→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: prix: 71% équipement: 83%
Recensione Xiaomi 13T Pro: completo ed al giusto prezzo di lancio | VIDEO
Source: Italien IT→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/26/2023
Notes: prix: 71% équipement: 83%
79% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T. Powrót starego, dobrego Xiaomi, które pokochaliśmy
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/12/2024
Notes: Note globale: 79% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 70% finition: 80%
79% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T. Powrót starego, dobrego Xiaomi, które pokochaliśmy
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/12/2024
Notes: Note globale: 79% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 70% finition: 80%
Nieźle wyceniony Xiaomi 13T z (niemal) samymi zaletami – recenzja
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/22/2024
Nieźle wyceniony Xiaomi 13T z (niemal) samymi zaletami – recenzja
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/22/2024
80% Test i recenzja Xiaomi 13T, czyli tego się nie spodziewałam
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/10/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Test i recenzja Xiaomi 13T, czyli tego się nie spodziewałam
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/10/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T – średnia półka na bogato?
Source: Co Nowego Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/06/2024
Xiaomi 13T – średnia półka na bogato?
Source: Co Nowego Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/06/2024
Xiaomi 13T - mocna średnia półka z naciskiem na aparat
Source: GSM Online Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/25/2023
Xiaomi 13T - mocna średnia półka z naciskiem na aparat
Source: GSM Online Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/25/2023
79% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T. Powrót starego, dobrego Xiaomi, które pokochaliśmy
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/10/2023
Notes: Note globale: 79% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 70% finition: 80%
79% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T. Powrót starego, dobrego Xiaomi, które pokochaliśmy
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/10/2023
Notes: Note globale: 79% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 70% finition: 80%
Test Xiaomi 13T – marzenia fotografów mobilnych stają się rzeczywistością
Source: Techno Senior Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/07/2023
Test Xiaomi 13T – marzenia fotografów mobilnych stają się rzeczywistością
Source: Techno Senior Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/07/2023
80% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T. Bliżej mu do flagowca czy średniaka?
Source: Geex X-kom Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Recenzja Xiaomi 13T. Bliżej mu do flagowca czy średniaka?
Source: Geex X-kom Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Xiaomi 13T - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Source: Unite4buy Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/25/2023
Xiaomi 13T - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Source: Unite4buy Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/25/2023
Xiaomi 13T és 13T Pro - nincs tétlenkedés
Source: MobilArena HU HU→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/20/2023
Notes: prix: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 80% finition: 90%
Xiaomi 13T és 13T Pro - nincs tétlenkedés
Source: MobilArena HU HU→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/20/2023
Notes: prix: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 80% finition: 90%
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T sau 1 tháng: Nhiều trải nghiệm thú vị nhưng cần cải thiện một vài yếu tố
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/29/2023
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T sau 1 tháng: Nhiều trải nghiệm thú vị nhưng cần cải thiện một vài yếu tố
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/29/2023
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T: Khắc phục "Gót chân A-sin", Xiaomi sẽ bật lên?
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/21/2023
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T: Khắc phục "Gót chân A-sin", Xiaomi sẽ bật lên?
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/21/2023
Xiaomi 13T có gì nổi bật: Màn hình, thiết kế, camera hay phần cứng...?
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 11/14/2023
Xiaomi 13T có gì nổi bật: Màn hình, thiết kế, camera hay phần cứng...?
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 11/14/2023
Khám phá những lý do nên mua Xiaomi 13T thời điểm hiện tại
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/20/2023
Khám phá những lý do nên mua Xiaomi 13T thời điểm hiện tại
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/20/2023
Giá bán 12.990.000 đồng, có nên mua Xiaomi 13T không?
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/17/2023
Giá bán 12.990.000 đồng, có nên mua Xiaomi 13T không?
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/17/2023
Xiaomi 13T có gì tốt để cạnh tranh trong phân khúc smartphone tầm 12 triệu?
Source: FPT shop VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/17/2023
Xiaomi 13T có gì tốt để cạnh tranh trong phân khúc smartphone tầm 12 triệu?
Source: FPT shop VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/17/2023
Đánh giá hiệu năng Xiaomi 13T: Chip Dimensity 8200-Ultra cho trải nghiệm mượt mà với hầu hết tựa game phổ biến hiện nay
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/14/2023
Đánh giá hiệu năng Xiaomi 13T: Chip Dimensity 8200-Ultra cho trải nghiệm mượt mà với hầu hết tựa game phổ biến hiện nay
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/14/2023
TOP 5 tính năng nổi bật của Xiaomi 13T gây ấn tượng cực tốt với người dùng
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/11/2023
TOP 5 tính năng nổi bật của Xiaomi 13T gây ấn tượng cực tốt với người dùng
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/11/2023
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T: Một trong những chiếc điện thoại cận cao cấp đáng mua nhất hiện nay
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/10/2023
Đánh giá Xiaomi 13T: Một trong những chiếc điện thoại cận cao cấp đáng mua nhất hiện nay
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/10/2023
Xiaomi 13T - Smartphone trang bị camera Leica với mức giá hấp dẫn
Source: FPT shop VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/09/2023
TOP 6 ưu điểm trên Xiaomi 13T cực hấp dẫn mà bạn không nên bỏ qua
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/09/2023
Xiaomi 13T - Smartphone trang bị camera Leica với mức giá hấp dẫn
Source: FPT shop VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/09/2023
TOP 6 ưu điểm trên Xiaomi 13T cực hấp dẫn mà bạn không nên bỏ qua
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/09/2023
Đây là 5 ưu điểm thuyết phục bạn chọn mua Xiaomi 13T ngay khi mở bán
Source: FPT shop VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/06/2023
Đây là 5 ưu điểm thuyết phục bạn chọn mua Xiaomi 13T ngay khi mở bán
Source: FPT shop VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/06/2023
Đánh giá hiệu năng Xiaomi 13T: Dimensity 8200 Ultra không làm anh em chip thủ, game thủ và cả nhiệt thủ thất vọng!
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/02/2023
Đánh giá hiệu năng Xiaomi 13T: Dimensity 8200 Ultra không làm anh em chip thủ, game thủ và cả nhiệt thủ thất vọng!
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/02/2023
Trên tay Xiaomi 13T: Thiết kế trẻ trung, màn hình 144Hz, chip Dimensity 8200-Ultra, camera chất lượng tốt
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/02/2023
Trên tay Xiaomi 13T: Thiết kế trẻ trung, màn hình 144Hz, chip Dimensity 8200-Ultra, camera chất lượng tốt
Source: Viettelstore VN→FR
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/02/2023
Trên tay Xiaomi 13T: Camera Leica, gần 1 triệu điểm Antutu, kháng nước IP68, giá trừ quà chỉ 10.4 triệu
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/27/2023
Trên tay Xiaomi 13T tại Việt Nam: Màu sắc trẻ trung, chip Dimensity 8200-Ultra, màn hình 144 Hz, camera Leica xịn sò
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/27/2023
Trên tay Xiaomi 13T: Camera Leica, gần 1 triệu điểm Antutu, kháng nước IP68, giá trừ quà chỉ 10.4 triệu
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/27/2023
Trên tay Xiaomi 13T tại Việt Nam: Màu sắc trẻ trung, chip Dimensity 8200-Ultra, màn hình 144 Hz, camera Leica xịn sò
Source: The Gioididong VN→FR
Hands-On, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/27/2023
Review Xiaomi 13T: Flagship Murah, Kamera Leica, IP68, Gaming Kencang
Source: Jagat Review ID→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/02/2023
Review Xiaomi 13T: Flagship Murah, Kamera Leica, IP68, Gaming Kencang
Source: Jagat Review ID→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/02/2023
Review Singkat Xiaomi 13T: Flagship Murah, Kamera Leica, IP68, Gaming Kencang
Source: Jagat Review ID→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/30/2023
Review Singkat Xiaomi 13T: Flagship Murah, Kamera Leica, IP68, Gaming Kencang
Source: Jagat Review ID→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/30/2023
Xiaomi 13T
Source: BU→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/22/2024
Xiaomi 13T
Source: BU→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/22/2024
90% Test Xiaomi 13T Og Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: NO→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/30/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Test Xiaomi 13T Og Xiaomi 13T Pro
Source: NO→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/30/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
80% Test: Xiaomi 13T – ännu billigare och lite enklare
Source: M3 PC för alla SV→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/19/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Test: Xiaomi 13T – ännu billigare och lite enklare
Source: M3 PC för alla SV→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/19/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Test: Xiaomi 13T – Prisvärd tungviktare med bra balans
Source: SV→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/05/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% écran: 90%
80% Test: Xiaomi 13T – Prisvärd tungviktare med bra balans
Source: SV→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/05/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% écran: 90%





Ces cartes devraient être capables de faire tourner tout les jeux d'aujourd'hui, mais la plupart d'entre eux uniquement en détails moyens ou faibles et avec des résolution basses. Les plus vieux jeux ou les jeux moins gourmands restent jouables avec de beaux graphismes.

ARM Immortalis-G715 MP11:

L'ARM Immortalis-G715MC11 est une carte graphique intégrée haut de gamme pour smartphones avec 11 des 16 cœurs possibles. Elle est basée sur la troisième génération de l'architecture Valhall d'ARM et offre des performances supérieures de 15 % à celles de la génération précédente. Le G715 est le premier GPU mobile à prendre en charge le ray tracing matériel et l'ombrage à taux variable (VRS).

La plupart des jeux pas trop demandants actuels peuvent tourner de façon fluide. soyez prêts à endurer un rendu graphique assez moche à cause de la basse résolution et des détails au minimum. Par ailleurs ces cartes sont suffisantes pour un travail de bureau et le visionnage de vidéos (pas évident pour la vidéo HD).

ARM Mali-G610 MP6:

GPU de milieu de gamme avec 6 cœurs et basé sur la deuxième génération de l'architecture Valhall.

>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des cartes graphiques mobiles et ainsi que dans notre liste des Benchmarks affiliés.

Mediatek Dimensity 9000:

Dimensity 9200+: Le Dimensity 9200 Plus est un SoC haut de gamme avec modem 5G intégré. Il comprend un cœur rapide Cortex-X3 cadencé à 3,35 GHz, trois autres cœurs A715 cadencés à 3 GHz et quatre cœurs d'efficacité énergétique (Cortex-A510) cadencés à 2 GHz.

Mediatek :

Dimensity 8200-Ultra: Le Dimensity 8200-Ultra est un processeur de milieu de gamme avec modem 5G intégré. Le processeur intègre quatre cœurs ARM Cortex-A78 rapides pouvant atteindre 3,1 GHz et quatre cœurs Cortex-A55 efficaces pouvant atteindre 2 GHz. Il est fabriqué selon le processus moderne 4nm. La version Ultra est une version spéciale réalisée en collaboration avec Xiaomi.

>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des processeurs mobiles.

>> Pour en savoir un peu plus sur la finesse des pixels à l'écran, jetez un coup d'œil à notre liste des DPI (PPP, points par pouce).

No weight comment found (one expected)!

82.87%: Cette note est moyenne, Car la quantité de portables avec de meilleures notes est à peu près égale avec le nombre de portables avec de moins bonnes notes.

>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre guide d'achat pour les ordinateurs portables.

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Ordinateurs portables similaires d'autres fabricants et/ou avec un processeur différent

Unihertz Tank 3 Pro (8849)
Mali-G610 MP6, unknown
Vivo Y100t
Mali-G610 MP6, unknown
Vivo V30 Pro
Mali-G610 MP6, Dimensity 8200-Ultra
Oppo Reno11
Mali-G610 MP6, Dimensity 8200-Ultra
Vivo V29 Pro
Mali-G610 MP6, unknown
Vivo iQOO Z8
Mali-G610 MP6, unknown
Vivo S17 Pro
Mali-G610 MP6, unknown
Xiaomi Redmi Note 12T Pro
Mali-G610 MP6, unknown

Ordinateurs portables avec les mêmes diagonale d'écran et/ou poids

Xiaomi Civi 4 Pro
unknown, unknown, 6.55", 0.1776 kg
Xiaomi Poco X6 Neo
Mali-G57 MP2, Dimensity 6080, 6.67", 0.175 kg
Xiaomi Poco C61
PowerVR GE8320, Mediatek Helio G Helio G36, 6.71", 0.199 kg
Xiaomi Redmi A3
PowerVR GE8320, Mediatek Helio G Helio G36, 6.71", 0.193 kg
Xiaomi Poco M6 5G
Mali-G57 MP2, Dimensity 6100+, 6.74", 0.195 kg
Xiaomi Redmi 13R
Mali-G57 MP2, Dimensity 6100+, 6.74", 0.195 kg
Xiaomi Redmi K70
Adreno 740, Snapdragon SD 8 Gen 2, 6.67", 0.209 kg
Xiaomi Poco X6
Adreno 710, Snapdragon SD 7s Gen 2, 6.67", 0.181 kg
Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 5G
Mali-G57 MP2, Dimensity 6080, 6.67", 0.1745 kg
Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro 4G
Mali-G57 MP2, Mediatek Helio G99, 6.67", 0.188 kg
Xiaomi Poco X6 Pro 5G
Mali-G615 MP6, Dimensity 8300-Ultra, 6.67", 0.186 kg
Xiaomi 14 Ultra
Adreno 750, Snapdragon SD 8 Gen 3, 6.73", 0.2198 kg
Xiaomi Redmi K70 Pro
Adreno 750, Snapdragon SD 8 Gen 3, 6.67", 0.209 kg
Xiaomi Redmi K70E
unknown, unknown, 6.67", 0.198 kg
Xiaomi 14 Pro
Adreno 750, Snapdragon SD 8 Gen 3, 6.73", 0.223 kg
Xiaomi 14
Adreno 750, Snapdragon SD 8 Gen 3, 6.36", 0.193 kg
Xiaomi Mi 14
Adreno 750, Snapdragon SD 8 Gen 3, 6.36", 0.188 kg
Xiaomi Poco C65
Mali-G52 MP2, Mediatek Helio G85, 6.74", 0.192 kg
Xiaomi Redmi 13C
Mali-G52 MP2, Mediatek Helio G85, 6.74", 0.192 kg
Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro+
Mali-G610 MP4, Dimensity 7200, 6.67", 0.2045 kg
Xiaomi 13T Pro
Immortalis-G715 MP11, Dimensity 9000 Dimensity 9200+, 6.67", 0.206 kg
Comparaison des prix
Stefan Hinum (Update: 2023-11-13)